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One month later Leo's P.O.V.

"Get up Jake, you really can't be done yet?" I yelled to the younger man that lay just a few feet from me panting heavily. His cloths were dirty and torn, witch by now resembled rags and not cloths. He was missing a shoe and the white rapings that he had around his hands were staned the color of blood.

I heard a growl from the ground as he slowly pushed himself up. "We've been running for the past hour non-stop, so yes I'm a little tired, you fucking slave driver!" Jake yelled with a look of fury on his features. I only smile slightly and give a slight bow and retort back. "Well then if you're only a little tired we can continue with our run, so get up." I command as he forced himself to his feet.

As he got to his feet, glaring daggers at me as he went, we continued our run. The run its self was rather uneventful, but very slow going. Almost two hours later they finished the very long run back in the field that we trained in. "Okay, you may rest for now." I told him as we came to a stop, almost instantly Jake feel to his knees breathing heavily.

He stayed like that for a good five to ten minutes before he got up and asked what we were going to do next. "We are going to spar, but before that eat this. It should rejuvenate your energy." I ordered as I threw him a square piece of what looked to be chocolate. He started to ask a question but a stern look shut him up.

He swiftly eat all of it, in almost one bite. Instantly his eyes widened and he seemed to gag a couple of times before forcing it down. I let him rest until he was ready to begin.

"Alright, I'm ready." He said as he stood and slipped into a fighting stance. I slowly pulled one of my hands out of my pocket and lazily put it in front of my shoulder. "You might want to come at me with the intent to kill, other wise you will lose." I commanded as serious as ever.

He nodded and charged at speeds that far exceeded his original speed, but sadly it wasn't fast enough. He threw a right hock which I lazily swated away and leaned back just far enough to allow an upper cut to fly past my face. He continued to attack for the next five minutes until I got tired of being on the defensive. I waited for him to throw a sloppy round house kick and I struck with a quick jab to the ribs and a kick to the back that sent him flying across the clearing.

As he slowly pushed himself from the ground I walked up to him and firmly said, "You're done now, you have physically exhausted yourself. You did much better then previously." He growled deep in his trought but feel back onto the ground. Soon after I could hear low snors coming from the teen on the ground.

I gently picked him up and put him on my right shoulder and started back taword the mamsion. As we got to the mamsion I handed the kid to one of the few doctors that live here, and walked tword Mira. Mira was at the far left corner of the large room talking to a few of the other girls. "Hey, Mira the kids out cold again." I said as they waved at me to come and sit. It was kinda pointless cause I was gonna sit there either way.

"Really, what did you do this time?" A girl with pitch black hair and dark brown eyes questioned. Her name was........honestly I couldn't remember, all I know is that her and Zero have a thing goin on. She had on a tight black shirt and a pair of lose pants that were also black. "Nothin much, just working 'em into the ground like my dad did me." I said as I sat down next to Mira. I noticed that Zero's lether jacket was laying on the table. "You dumbass the kid can't take that kind of training! Didn't you know that or are you just trying to kill him!" I heard Zero's voice from behind me. I sighed as I felt him smack me on the back as he walked around us.
"No I wasn't trying to kill" I mumbled as Zero chuckled lightly. As Zero sat down him and his girlfriend, I guess, greeted each other by trying to consume the others face. I honestly think they do it just to mess with people, that or their just a couple of horny assholes. In my personal opinion I believe it's the second of the two.

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