The Beginning

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Leo's P.O.V.

It had been two hours since Jake's fight and only a few of the fights had been worth watching. Not even those were that interesting, they definitely weren't the fights you would want to watch for two hours. Everyone that had fought thus far, aside from Jake, was a pussy. I'm starting to get very bored and that's not a good thing. 'I just hope I won't have to resort to it!' I thought as I watched another stupid fight.

"Leo we need a team name." Zero said as he slapped me on the shoulder. I asked why and all he said was that we were up. We decided to call ourselves 'The Devils' just because Mira looked like one when she fights. "Let's get this over with!" I yell in excitement. Zero grinned as he jumped into the ring, with Mira and I right behind him.

As we land I saw three other people at the other end. Nome of them looked like much, but I had once been told to never judge a book by it's cover. The only one that looked like he was even slightly skilled was shaking in fear.

'Hm, of course we would be paired against weaklings! Why don't I have a little fun with this, I just need to make sure I don't get carried away!' I thought as a feral smile came to my face. "Guys, leave this to me! I wanna play!" I chuckle like a child, and stepped forward. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Zero shrug as Mira sighed. I took a few more steps forward, ending up five feet away from my teammates.

"Ready, FIGHT!" The reff yelled and jumped away. The second he was out of the way I burst forward so fast the the ground behind me was blown away. I was behind the three before anyone could blink, and that was only half speed.

Instead of attacking them I slowly tapped the closest one on the shoulder. She stiffly turned to look me in the eyes, and to be honest I felt sorry for her. Only because she had me as her opponent, if her and her team were facing someone else then they may of had a chance. "Boo!" I yelled causing them to jump away. I chuckled and followed after one of the males. As I got close he tried to kick me, but I caught it and threw him at the other male.

They collided in mid air and fell to the ground in a mess of yells. I didn't have time to enjoy this as the girl rushed me with her fist cocked back. This caused a small smile to come to my lips. "At least one of you has a fighting spirit!" I whispered and ducked under her punch. She quickly spun around and tried to kick me, but I spun around her. Then I had to dodge another punch and duck under a high kick. She kept firing attack after attack at me, which I effortlessly dodged.

"Will you just say still!" She yelled and increased her speed, but it still wasn't enough because I caught her foot as she went for a spin kick. "Good try but you'll need to do better then this! Oh I know how 'bout you get your friends to help!" I yelled and pushed her onto the ground. She quickly got to her feet and looked to her friends for help. They quickly charged taword me, at a very unimpressive speed. When they finally got to me, the one on the left tried to sweep my feet from under me as the other jumped up and brought his heel down taword my head. I quickly jumped over the kick and sent a much faster kick into the side of the one on the ground, as I caught the others kick.

They both ended up at the side of there teammate. Now that they were at a distance I got a good look at them. They all had brown hair and were close to the same height. The only difference between them was there eyes. The girls had emerald green eyes, while the boy on her left had brown and the other has light blue eyes.

As they got to there feet, they all burst forward eager to continue. 'They go balls, but they didn't even try to come up with a plan!' I thought as I jumped over the blue eyed boy as he tried to tackle me. After that I sent a lazy backhand into the other boys face, sending him cascading across the arena. I was enjoying the sight so much that the girl landed an uppercut to my chin. It wasn't enough to do any real damage, but it was impressive that she hit me.

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