The Deal

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Zero's P.O.V.

It had been a total of ten minutes sense Jake and I had got out of the catsel and so far we hadn't seen even a single hostile. Which was putting me a bit on edge, however, you wouldn't be able to tell that from the way I was slowched against a rather large stone. Jake seemed to be getting bored though, because his leg hadn't stopped moving for the past few minutes. "Will you stop that shit already!?" I grumbled as I stood to my feet and looked around a bit.

Before he could say a word a large explosion sounded from behind me. At first nothing made a sound. It seemed as if the wild animals in a miles radious were shocked into silence. That quickly changed as a crazed laugh rung through the air. The laugh broke everything out of its shock, causing almost everything to run in the opposite direction. Everything but Jake, who wanted to head toward the laugh that continued on for the next minute at the least. "Hehehehe, that was a good one smelly!" A voice sounded from the large cloud of smoke, that caused Jake to stop moving.

"That voice." Jake said in worry as he took a step back. I was in a similar state as I knew exactly what was going on. "Yeah, that's Leo alright!" I mumbled as I grabbed the back of Jakes shirt and threw him behind me! Even with Jakes protested I forced him behind me. At the time I was feeling many emotions, but the most powerful of them all was fear. I had only seen this part of Leo once and it had ended up giving me the largest scar I have. Thoughtfully I rubbed the back of my neck, an inch above the start of the scare. 

"So, even after that attack you still cling to life? Huh, what a stubborn dog!" I heard someone say in a calm manner. This shocked me more then anything, not because this voice was calm during a fight. That was nothing new, plenty of people could stay calm during a fight. What surprised me was that he was calm while fighting Leo. That I hadn't seen in a few years now, the last person that did that was Han. 

"Hehe, that wasn't shit smelly. I can take so much more then that, ya smelly fucker!" Leo said in a childish manner. After this comment a man in all black appeared out of thin air. On closer inspection I could see that the mans jaw was clenched, just like his fist which were firmly at his sides. 'So he's not calm, just disciplined. That makes a lot more sense, but he still gives me a bad feeling!' I thought as I once again pushed Jake behind me. 

"Is that so, mutt!? Then I shall stop holding back." The man said as he suddenly vanished from my view, just as Leo did the same. This was definitely not a fight I wanted to be involved in. Again I had to push Jake back as he tried to keep up with the two in front of us. That, however, was not going to happen, because the only thing that I could see was the flashing of sparks as the two crossed blades. 

"Umm, Zero shouldn't we get away from here, because if we can't keep up with their movements wouldn't we be just get in the way?" Jake asked from behind me. At first I didn't know what he meant and I was sure that it showed on my face. "You know that's actually......a pretty good idea." I said as I slowly backed away from the flashes of the sparks. 

"Thanks man......wait where'd you go!?" Jake yelled as his head swung his head around. He did this for a total of five minutes before he found me about thirty yards back and started yelling like a child. The whole time he was doing this Leo and the man in black never stopped, which was kinda freaky to me. 'How can they keep moving at that kind of speed?' I thought in amazement. 

"How could you just leave me like that man!" Jake yelled as the flashes increased in speed. I simply shrugged and explained to him that I just took his advice and moved away from the action.  This caused him to quickly shut up and turn back toward the fight. 

Mira's P.O.V. 

"Bat, what just happened?" Miles asked me as he looked around for Jake. Before I could answer Ox  spoke up in my place. "I believe I saw the shadow grab him, sir!" Ox said in a very angry tone, a tone I hadn't heard in a while. Miles nodded as he looked around the area once more, but didn't seem to care about the tone of Ox. "Do you wish for us to set up a search party?" I asked miles as he kept looking around. 

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