Trouble in the moonlight!!

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"So they finally got him to come back, hmm?" A deep voice came from the dark shadows that the large trees cast in the night. "So it seems. Tell me, what would you have me do?" A much higher voice came from the tree branches above him.

"Just keep an eye on them, and stay as close to Leo as possible, without getting caught." The deep voice demanded with irritation. "Of course master!" The higher voice came from its new spot on the ground. "Oh, and before you go kill that maggot tied to the tree!" The first voice said with a hint of monstrous glee.

"My pleasure!" The second chuckled as an almost animal like scream echoed through the dark night of the forest.

Leo's P.O.V.

I was woken up from a dead sleep by the most horrible sound I've ever heard. It was something between a mans scream and a lions roar. It was so bad that it made me shoot out of my bed and down the hall into the main room.

Once I was there I noticed two things. One I was shirtless and two I was not alone. Zero, Mira, Jake and a few other people had just ran around a corner and were all staring in the direction of the door. As I turn my head toward the door I don't know what I expected to see.

What I saw was a man by the name of Mars standing there covered in a strange black liquid. His eyes were blood shot and the size of dinner plats. "Mars what happened to you, and where's your brother!?" Zero questioned the fearful man.

Mars stood shacking for about a minute before he crumpled to the ground. I rushed to him as quickly as possible, I was there before anyone else had even moved. I still wasn't quick enough to catch him though. "Leo get away from the door, now!" I heard a few people scream from behind me. "Why, I have to help him!" I growled back at them as I looked up into the night sky.

The second I saw the moon I knew why they wanted me away from the door. It was a full moon, it seemed bigger the usual. I was mesmerized by it, then out of no where I felt my ribs crack and start to expand.


"Shit, he saw it!" I mumbled so no one else could hear. He suddenly fell backwards onto the floor. "Shit, someone get Mars to the doc! Mira, Jake help me with Leo!" I yelled but it was to late, Leo had already stood up and sprinted out the door. "Damn, let's go guys!" Jake yelled as he took off after him with Mira and I hot on his heels.


"Where the hell is he?!" Mira finally lost it, she looked like she wanted to just lay down and cry. "I don't get it, how could he have lost us? This is complete bullshit!" She screamed as she punched straight through a tree. At that exact moment I heard what sounded like a growl, an animalistic one. "What was that?" Jake questioned as he frantically scanned the area.

"Leo! He's out there right now!" Mira yelled out of nowhere. Jake quickly jumped behind me shaking like a leaf in the wind. I tried to pry him off but he was sadly stuck. "Vampires are naturally more powerful then werewolves so we're okay, right Mira!?" He almost screamed in my ear.

She quickly looked down and clenched her fists at her sides. She looked almost scared, like she didn't know what to say to that. "That's not exactly true, most vampires and werewolves are even in power, but not Leo. I haven't heard of any werewolf as strong as him in over two hundred years. He's even more powerful then his father was in his prime." She explained with a somber expression on her face. Jake finally realized how awkward of a position we were in and let go.

"So in other words we stand no chance in hell against him, in this state anyway." I summed up for the not so bright red head. He just nodded with a scared look on his face. Soon there was another growl, except this was almost right on top of us. 'Damn it, we should've stoped in a clearing. At least then I'd be able to see what's coming'. I berated myself for my dumb ass decision.

Out of the trees came a very large looking man, he was most likely eight foot tall, and three foot wide. He was also covered in a think brown hide, almost like a brown bears hide. It snarled at us and for some reason Mira sighed in relief. "Why in the fuck are you so relieved!?" I grumbled as I took a small step back. She smiled a little bit and just stood up stright. Before Jake and I could blink she vanished and reaperred in front of the giant, with her fist imbedded in it's stomach.

It wasn't long after that the werewolf had decided to run for the hills. "That wasn't Leo, was it?" Jake and I questioned at the same time, from our new seats on the ground. She just shook her head. "How did you know?" I wondered aloud. "Easy really, his hide was the wrong color. Leo's hide is blood red, while that was brown." She said simply. It shocked me that I hadn't remembered that.

He was my best friend and I couldn't even remember what he looked like in his werewolf form. "We gotta keep looking." Mira ordered coldly. Jake and I simply nodded and followed after the seemingly calm vampire.

Leo's P.O.V.

All I could think about was finding something, or someone, to eat. But aside from that there was noting going through my head, until I caught the scent of someone very familiar, someone I never thought I would see again. As I turned around I saw a man in all black, with one arm missing. "What the hell are you doing?! Didn't I teach you better then this, you need to calm down now!" The man yelled and took a step toward me. He didn't seem scared in the least, he just stared at me with sadness.

Then it hit me, the reason he wasn't scared was because this man was my dad. "Please son, calm down before you hurt one of your friends." He said and took another step toward me, then another and another, until he was standing in front of me with his hand on my shoulder. "You're stronger then this Leo." He mumbled and looked me in my eyes. That's when I remembered it all, my whole life flashed before my eyes. "Dad, what are you doing here?" I growled out my question, but I didn't mean for it to sound so angry.

Before he could answer me, I was tacked to the ground by something just as big as I am. As I looked up I saw another werewolf the color of snow. It growled as I pushed myself off the ground. This was not gonna be fun.

The other wolf leaped at me at such speed that I almost missed it. Almost being the key word. I rolled to the left and slashed out with my claws, feeling them rake across its side. This didn't seem to bother it much as it charged at me yet again, this time I stood my ground and blocked the on slot of blows.

It threw blow after blow, but none of them made contact. After a good ten minutes I ducked under a slash and bit down on its ribs. I tasted the blood roll over my tung and almost lost control again. I quickly regained my senses and threw the other wolf into a large tree, with enough force to crack it. Before the wolf could react I was over it and slammed both fist down onto its chest.The wolf slowly started turning back into a human form. I heard another growl and sighed.


As I ripped the head off the tenth werewolf to attack me, I noticed that the sun was starting to come up. I slowly changed back, which means I was as naked as a new born baby. Then I felt something hit my back and fall to the ground. When I turned to see what it was I saw a pare of pants laying there. I put them on as my dad said to and followed him back to the company.

"Good job, son." My dad mumbled as we walked back. Those three words alone put a smile on my face.

A/N: First off I would like to apologize for taking so long to up date, and for it being short.

Oh the question.

Um, do you like dogs?

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