Scraping By

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Zero's P.O.V.

'Damn it Mira hurry up!' I thought as I continued holding up my spell. I couldn't really help out much, or I might drop the spell. The reason for this being that the amount of concentration required for this particular spell is almost astronomical. I only chose this spell, because I knew that only a serten few could find their way through the fog. Mira being one of the few that can.

"Zero how much longer can you keep this up!?" Mira called out, while she sliced through a tall thin man. I laughed, sending an ominous echo across the arena. "As long as I've got to!" I responded with yet another chuckle. I saw Mira nod her head before taking off again.

She had already taken out a full twenty men and didn't even seem fazed by it. The reason this surprised me is that she had done this in less then five minutes, something I would be hard pressed to do. 'Shit this is taking way to long!! If only we had some backup, then I wouldn't be so damned worried!' I grumbled in my head and pushed some more magical energy through the air, hoping to make it harder to see through.

"Zero drop that spell, NOW!" A angry voice boomed over the noises of people dieing. I quickly searched the area for the new comer and almost regretted wanting back up. Standing at the top of the stands was Leo, eyes glowing bright red. Making the smart choice I quickly dorped the spell and reformed in my original spot, Mira soon appeared next to me.

Before anyone said a word my legs grew too weak to hold up my weight and I fell to my knees. I coughed, causing a bit of blood to shoot from my mouth. "Damn it!" I growled as I quickly grabbed my ribs in pain. My vision fogged as my body started to lean to the left, but I never hit the ground, as something had prevented that.

"You fucking cunt face, how many times have I told you not to use that spell!" A distant voice called from above me. I forced a smile and mumbled, "Shut up ya damn kid!" I coughed again as my vision faded into darkness.

Mira's P.O.V.

My eyes watered up as one of my close friends fell into what I could only hope was unconsciousness. Leo slowly laied the older boy on to the ground and slowly stoode back up. "You fucking dumbass!" Leo growled almost demonically.

He slowly walked towards the large group of men and women across the arena. "You're all going to die!" Leo whispered death lasing his every word. The next thing I know, I'm being pushed back from an explosion of pure magical energy. It was so massive the I was pushed almost all the way out of the arena, but thankfully I was able to grab ahold of one of the seats in the stanes.

I forced myself to look up and almost let go of the seat in shock. Standing in the center of the explosion was none other then Leo himself.  "S-shit! How is he doing this!?" I asked myself in amazement. After starting for a few seconds I noticed Zero was still laying on the ground behind Leo. Zero's clothes weren't even moving,  it was almost like Leo was controlling the flow of energy, so that he wouldn't touch him.

If I had blinked I would've missed what happened next. The ground under Leo exploded, sending large peaces flying that yet again didn't even get close to Zero. Not even half a second later people were flying through the air at an amazing rate.

It was all so fast I could barely keep up with it. All I could see was a streak of red blazing around the arena, but I could see a man dressed in all black jumping into the stands. He quickly ran for the exit, but not fast enough to lose me. I took off after him making sure to keep him in my sight, I was not about to lose him.

Once we were over the large arena walls, I pulled my sword and threw it like a spear right in front of the man. He stopped suddenly and turned around slowly. "How do you do?" He said in a creepy British accent. His voice alone sent a chill down my spine, but the way he smiled made me want to get the hell outta there. "Who the hell are you!" I demanded and stepped forward.

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