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Jake's P.O.V.

For the past hour we had walked in silence, not a single word had been said and it was starting to bug me. I mean sure I wasn't exactly happy with Leo since he kicked my ass, but we were still friends. To tell the truth the whole thing didn't really hurt me as much, because I never really got to know Mira so we weren't all that close. "So, where exactly are we going?" I asked finally tired of the silence. 

Again they were silent, but at least this time they looked at me when I spoke. "Guys come on ya gotta tell me something!" I grumbled as I slowed down a little bit. Once again they said nothing and it was really starting to piss me off. They never did this before so I don't get why they started this crap now. Well yeah I get what they're feeling, but that doesn't mean they should leave me out of the loop.

"Look either ya tell me where we're going, or ya go there without me!" I growled as I stopped walking all together. The two soon did the same and turned around in a mix of annoyance and understanding, however, they still didn't look like they wanted to talk. "You both know that I'm all in if we're going to have some big ass fight, but I need to know where we're going first!" I yelled as I looked them both in the eyes. 

I was expecting a lot of things; Zero hitting me in the head, Leo giving me a speech, anything. What I wasn't expecting was for Leo to chuckle and give me an actual answer. "Well we're going to my dad's old hunting ground! It's in the north so that's where we're going! It's about four hours away from here." Leo said as he turned and started walking again. 

"Works for me, but how 'bout we make it a little faster!" I said as I quickly caught back up with Leo and Zero. As I switched from a jog to a walk Zero looked at me like I had a second head. "And how the fuck are we going to do that! I did the math and it's about fifteen miles from the cave to the mountains. Since our walking speed is about three miles per hour, the soonest we could get there is in four hours. Now tell me how the hell you plan on getting us there faster?" Zero asked causing me to look at him like he was crazy. 

"You can do math?" I questioned as we walked. Zero's eyes grew angry as he nodded to my question. "Oh and I know a spell that can get us there in about seven minutes give or take a minute!" I said as Leo finally looked over to us. Zero once again looked at me as if I were crazy, but this time I knew why he was looking at me like that. 

"Um, how?" Zero asked as we once again stopped walking. This time however Leo answered for me thankfully. "I taught it to him, but I didn't think he could go that far with multiple people! I told you your control was better then mine!" Leo mumbled with a slight undertone of anger. Instead of speaking I sat on the ground with my legs crossed and began to concentrate. "Put a hand on my shoulder and we'll be off!" I said and as soon as I felt there hands I started chanting. Soon after we were zooming through the air at speeds Leo would be hard pressed to match.

Seven minutes later and I was laying on the ground breathing hard, covered in a thick layer of sweat. " it!" I said through huffs of breath. Zero chuckled as he looked around. "What'd ya know almost there! All we gotta do now is climb that cliff and we'll be at the gates of the castle!" Zero said with a small smile on his face."From here on out we'll have to be extra quiet, got it Jake?" Leo said with a quick glance in my direction.

Mira's P.O.V.

A half an hour after the whole incident we were back at the castle and James was still out cold. Serves him right in my opinion, after all he should have waited till Leo was out of the cave before coming for me. Now that I could drop James I felt some what less like an asshole, but not completely better. "Bat are you okay? I can tell you don't really feel that way about the one called Leo!" Ox said with a smirk on his face, as he walked alongside me to see the master. 

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