A Little Faith

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Jake's P.O.V.

Fear, that's what I was feeling right now. Not for me, but the people that were huddled together inside the small cave I had found. Most of them didn't seem to believe what had just happened, only a certain few looked like they understood the situation.

Even with all this, my biggest fear was for Zero, ever sense we had made it back his health had slowly been degrading. At this point I wasn't sure if he would last the day, so I was trying my best to keep him awake. "So what happened to you? Did ya get your ass kicked or something!?" I joked as I flopped down onto the stone of the cave.

A small snarl covered his features, as he looked me in the eyes. "No jackass I didn't get my ass kicked!?" Zero grumbled as he flinched. My smile faded slightly, but I still kept it for the most part. "Then what happened captain dickface!?" I questioned in curiosity.

A deep sigh came from his lips as he looked away from me and toward the wall. "I used a vary old spell, that should've killed me when I canceled it. I have no clue how I survived, but I have a feeling I won't for much longer." He said as he glared at the wall, not wanting to make eye contact.

My smile disappeared as he said that, I mean sure he's an ass, but he's still my friend. Not that I'd tell him that. He was a bit of a smartass, but so was I and pretty much everyone else. I couldn't keep smiling after that; I get why he's been so quiet over the last few hours. "I think I might know of something that could save you!" An old lady with short grey hair grumbled. My eyes grew wide as I jumped up and ran over to her.

"Wait you mean he doesn't have to die!?" I yelled bringing everyone's attention to me. Mira and Leo quickly ran over to us, hope present on their faces. "Is this true!?" Mira barked as her face tightened up. The old lady nodded as she looked us all in the eye.

"Yes it is, I just need you to bring me a certain cristal!" She informed us, not really paying much attention to us anymore. She was paying more attention to Zero who was trying to sit his stupid self up. Leo noticed this and walked over and gently pushed him back onto the ground.

"What kind?" Leo questioned as he stoode back up. The look on his face told me everything I needed to know. That look told me he would do whatever it took to get that cristal. "It's called a Poison Mouth cristal, the only place to find them is at the mouth of an active volcano." She mumbled as she watched Zero flip Leo the bird, who simply slapped the hand away.

"Wait, an active volcano? Where the hell are we supposed to find one of those granny!?" I yelled causing Mira to punch me in the back of the head. The old lady didn't say anything for a few minutes. I'm not sure if she was think, but she wasn't moving very much.

"If my memory serves me correctly, there's one someways to the north of here. The only problem is that you'd have to be back here, in less then seventy-two hours. If you're not your friend will die." The woman said gravely, slightly shaking as she did. Zero didn't seem to like that very much as he yet again flipped Leo the bird. Leo once again just slapped it away, and looked Mira in the eye.

"Mira stay with them, Jake and I will go get the cristal! Don't argue, I need someone here I can trust! We leave in five!" Leo said as he slapped Zero's hand away again. Mira slowly nodded her head trying her best to stay quiet. "Um why me, why not take Mira?" I questioned. His face tightened up in what I was guessing was irritation.

"I need someone I can trust to take care of everyone, you're just a kid! That's why, now get ready, you got four minutes left!" Leo growled as he walked to the mouth of the cave. "Well okay then! We'll be back soon, bye!" I say as I look around. As I walked toward the exit I saw Mira and Leo hug. They kissed quickly and said there goodbyes.

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