Chapter 22

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The next day, Tuesday, Aaron didn't want to go to school.

"I'm going to stay with Mandy," he said firmly to Joanna.

"But Aaron, honey you can't stay home!" the poor woman tried to convince him.

"I'll call them up, okay? Just please don't argue with me right now," he said in exasperation.

Joanna sighed, looking helpless.

"Aaron maybe you- "

I began but he wouldn't hear of it.

"No, Ashley, Joanna for the last time I am not going anywhere. Drop it," he said with finality.


"But you need to go.Okay?" Joanna told me sternly.

"But that's not-"

"Stop being childish,Ashley.Finish your breakfast and go to school," Aaron told me, sternly.

I knew I was acting stupidly but I really did want to stay with Amanda.I figured Aaron wanted some time alone with his sister so I gave in.

"Okay," I huffed, grabbing an apple and got up to leave."Take care," I muttered quietly as I walked outside.

"Yeah," he mumbled,rubbing his eyes.I could tell that he hadn't slept all night.

Sighing I got into the car when I heard a tap at the window.

Surprised, I rolled it down to find Joanna.

"Ashley,don't worry about them sweetie. They've been through a lot together.Aaron knows how to handle her," she said reassuringly and I nodded.

"Yeah.Thanks Jo," I smiled at her before the car left the Woods' driveway.


"You're really quiet today," Cole commented as the teacher scribbled something on the blackboard.

I glanced at him and shrugged.

"Where's your lover boy today?"

Glaring at him I said,"He's not," I paused,"that. He had care of something. "

Cole raised an eyebrow looking suspicious. "Come on, tell me."

I shook my head."It's nothing, Cole."

"Fine, you don't wanna tell me, I get it. I'm here if you wanna talk though," he said with a wink.

I couldn't help the smile creeping up on my lips."Thank you."

The rest of the day went by incredibly slowly. I couldn't concentrate on anything. My mind kept wandering to Aaron and Amanda.

As soon as the bell rang, I jumped out of the seat and walked outside looking for Trent.He was my ride today.

Luckily, I didn't have to wait for long because he just came a minute later, and shot me a smile when he saw me.

I tried my best to return his smile but I probably looked like something had died inside my mouth.

"Okay tell me what's going on," Trent said when he reached and put his hand on the hood of his car.

"What do you mean?" I asked, trying to play the fool.

"Ashley Forbes, I know you better than you know yourself and I know something is bothering you. So come on, out with it."

I stared at him for a few seconds before taking a deep breath and telling him everything.

"Oh.That's... she must be a mess," he frowned.

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