Chapter 3

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Trent and I were on the way to the Woods' house where I was going to live with complete strangers until things settled down with Kayla.

I still couldn't believe Amanda was willing to let me live with her when we barely even knew each other.

Well,at least one of my problems was solved.

Now I had to figure out how to fix things with Kayla.

There were so many questions in my mind.

What if Kayla never talked to either of us again?

What would I do?

What would happen to Trent?He genuinely cared for her.

And Kayla? Would she be able to live without Trent?

What would I do without my best friend?

I had to admit, I was hurt. Not only did I miss her  but I was also hurt and disappointed.

The three of us had been best friends for years. I thought we knew each other like the back of our hands.

Surely she could've had a little more faith in us?

It wasn't her fault,though. What she had seen would make anyone question their partner. Or best friends.

But well,neither was it my fault or Trent's. This was all just one stupid misunderstanding.

"We're here."

She would be fine. She needed time.


I understood though. Had this happened to me, I probably would've done the same but-


"What?" I jumped in my seat in surprise.

"You alright?" Trent asked,looking at mtw worriedly.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

I knew he could tell something was up.

He gave me a flat look."Tell me."

"It's nothing, really."

"Ashley..." he said in a warning tone.

"Do you really want to be tickled right now?" he asked , raising an eyebrow.

"I'm not ticklish anymore," I lied.

"Oh really now?"he smirked evilly and reached his hands out.

"Stop,I'll tell you!" I exclaimed before he could even touch me.

I sighed dramatically.


"I was just thinking about how things are gonna be when I move in here.You know since I don't even know these people," I lied again, hoping he'd buy it.

And surprisingly,for once he did.

"Hey, it'll all be fine, okay? And if you're not comfortable here then we'll figure something out.Don't worry," he said, squeezing my hand reassuringly.

I was really grateful to have a friend like him. "Thank you," I smiled.

It was then that I noticed the car wasn't moving."Oh,we're here!"

Trent shook his head to himself as we both got out of the car.

I saw a beautiful house in front of me. Huge and well built the house looked amazing.

The last time I'd been here,it had been late at night with music blaring out from it.

But looking at it now,in broad daylight,it was a lovely looking house.

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