Chapter 10

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"Hey," I turned around to see Josh grinning at me.

"Hi,"I said.

"Hey,"he said again

I laughed."What's up?"

"I just wanted to ask how you were doing."

"I'm good."

"Did you come up with something ?"

"I was thinking of maybe a concert?"

"A concert?"

"Yeah.Like,we'll use the auditorium and stuff.What do you think?"

"That's an amazing idea!"

My gaze landed on the guitar bag slung over his shoulder.

"Would you like to perform?"

He stared at me. "Are you serious?"

"Yes,Josh.Dead serious."

"That would amazing! I've always wanted to do something like this. I'm in," he grinned.

"Awesome! Thanks Josh."

He smiled." I'm just gonna go talk to the band,okay?"

We said goodbye and Josh walked off.

Thank God things were finally starting to fall into place.

Besides,I'd heard Josh's band play a couple of times and they were pretty good.With enough practice,I was sure they would be great.

Still smiling,I grabbed my phone.

"Trent,you'll never guess what just happened."


"Hey Amanda?" I called her as I stepped into her room.

"Yeah?" she glanced at me from her bed.She was going through her phone.

I sat down on her bed."Guess what?"


"I know what I'm going to do!"

"The event,you mean?"

I nodded my head.

She quickly sat up."What are you going to do?"

"A concert."

"That's a great idea,Ashley!"she smiled,putting her phone aside to give me a quick hug.

"Who's performing?"

"There's this guy I know,Josh and his band.Actually,do you mind if I call them over?I need to talk to them about the concert anyway and maybe you could hear them play too."

"Of course.Nothing like a group of cute guys who can sing."

I laughed."Okay."

"Wait,I can come to the concert right?" she asked,looking at me.

''Of course,Amanda.You'll get the first ticket.I'll make sure of that," I grinned.


''We're going to do five songs?Are you serious?As in back to back?As in on stage?" Alexa,one of the band members asked.

We were all currently sat in my room,Trent,Cole,Josh,Kaden -the drummer ,Alexa -another singer(she was a girl,yes) and Jordan-who was ,like Josh a guitarist.Josh and Alexa were the lead singers.

"Alexa,this is a concert,remember?" Josh said calmly.

"Well,we're going to need a shit ton of practice,then,"she said.

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