Chapter 6

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"Oh look she's alive,",someone muttered.

I looked beside myself to see Aaron pouring juice into a glass as I grabbed some cereal for myself.

"Yeah," I muttered,not in the mood to joke around after what had happened last night.

After leaving Kayla's house,Trent drove off to a place where we could talk without anyone disturbing us.

There had been a lot of crying and talking.I had come back quite late last night.It had been a horrible night.

I could see him looking at me from the corner of my eye.

"What is up with you?"

"What?Nothing," I said,putting the milk back in the fridge.

I avoided his gaze.He would probably know that I'd been crying if he saw my face.

"You okay?" he said softly.

"Yeah," I said quietly.

"You sure?"

"Yeah.Thanks though," I replied and after finishing my cereal quicker than I ever had,I rushed upstairs to my room.

I lied on the bed for a long time, thinking about Trent and Kayla.
What had happened was very,very wrong.I always thought they were meant for each other.

I sighed.My phone buzzed and checked it.

I had an email from a school teacher,Mr.Meyers.

I groaned.Was I failing again?


"Morning Amanda,Ashley," Aaron said as Amanda and I walked into the dining room.

He had left me alone yesterday, thankfully staying out of my way.I was glad he did because with the condition I had been in yesterday,I would have burst into tears if he had said the smallest mean thing to me.

"Morning," I replied, giving him a small smile.

I felt kind of bad for not having properly given him an answer yesterday when he had asked me if I was okay.

He grabbed an apple,gave me a small smile and left.

A couple of hours later,I was in Mr.Meyers office.


"Oh Ashley, you're here.Come on in ," Mr.Meyers replied.

I follow him inside and I took a seat after he motioned for me to.

"So,Ashley as you know,each year we have a fundraising event for prom,which is organised by students.And this year," he paused to grab a stack of folders from his desk and hands them over to me."I want you to supervise the students."


"Me? Mr.Meyers I really don't think I can handle the responsibilty.I don't want to let you down but I also know I'll mess things up."

"Nonsense.I know you can do this. You have it in you.Do you remember that project you did last year,the one that Ms.Franklin assigned you?"

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.We had a dozen of projects last year...

I hear Mr.Meyers sigh.

"Well anyways,I saw the report and I know what you're capable of even if you don't and therefore I am assigning this to you."

I take a deep breath.Can I do it? I really don't think so but if Mr.Meyers does then I guess I should go for it.

"Alright sir,if you say so."

"Excellent.Now,every year the supervisor is given groups of students to help.For example you have the technical department,creative department,musicians and others.You get to decide what you want to do for the event."

I nod."Oh and you can also have a co-superintendent or an assistant,if you like.Anyone you like."

"When do I start working on it?" I asked.

Next month probably,since school reopened next month.

"As soon as you can. Today,I'd say," he replied, surprising me.

And that's when everything started sinking in and I started freaking out.

This is going to be so freaking hard.So many responsibilities,so much of work to do and I don't even know how-

"Don't doubt yourself,Ms.Forbes.
You have it in you. Just believe in yourself.You have a month to work on it along with a huge committee to assist you.And then, I'm here to help too.So don't worry.",he said encouragingly making me see things in a different light.

"So,do you want to do it?"

Did I?

Sure,it would be hard but I would do it. I could do it.

"Yes,Mr.Meyers.I would love to."

After I agreed to it,Mr.Meyers discussed other things with me.

Apparently many interschool activities are going to be held next month,added to that ,the charity event and some tests,I had a shit ton of work to do.

"Hey, Trent!" I called out just as he about to get into his car.


"What are you doing here at school? "

"Hop in first,"he said to me and we both got in.

"So, Mr.Meyers called me.He said I need to be available at all times to help for this year's fundraiser," he shrugs.

I groan."Not you too? "

"You came here because of that?"

"Well yeah.And guess who's incharge of the event this year?"


"I'll give you a  hint.. it's your best friend. "

"No way!" he exclaimed.

I nodded."That's what Mr.Meyers told me anyway."

"That's great,Ash. I'm really happy for you.But you do know that it's not easy,right?"

"I know," I sighed.

"But I'll have to do it.Did Mr.Meyers tell you what you're supposed to do? Like what-"

"Ashley!" I turned around to see Aaron standing behind me.

"Aaron? What are you doing here? "

"I-",he began  but stopped when he saw Trent.

"Hi I'm Aaron,Amanda's brother," he introduced himself politely.

Well who knew he could be civil too?

He glared at me.

Oops,looks like I said that out loud.

I grinned back.

"I'm Trent,her friend,"Trent replied with a smile.

"So what are you doing here?" I turned to Aaron.

"To pick you up."

I raised my eyebrows.Why would he?

"Amanda," he explained,as if he could read my mind.

Made sense.

"C'mon Ashley."

I nodded."See you tomorrow.Take care."

"You too,Ash," he gave me a smile but I could tell it was forced.

Poor Trent.It would take him quite a while to move on from Kayla.

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