Chapter 16

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I groaned, still half asleep trying to get Aaron to move his legs a bit so I could wriggle out of bed.

But the giant, he didn't even budge.


With one hard shove, I managed to free my legs,throwing Aaron on the floor in the process.

How he managed to stay asleep even after that was completely beside me.Shaking my head, I jumped off the bed and went to my room to freshen up.

I put on my jeans with a comfy hoodie, tied my hair up into a ponytail and made my way downstairs. I grabbed some cereal for myself. I wasn't one for cooking. I mean, I could make some decent food (and by decent I mean edible) but I usually didn't cook because of well, that disease called laziness.

I got up when I was done eating amd put the dishes in the dishwasher.

Just as I was getting up, I saw him,not wearing anything but boxers, hair all messed up and a red mark on his shoulder. Probably from falling down from the bed.

Surprised, I jumped a little and my foot collided with the open door of the dishwasher, hurting me in the process.

"Ow!Ow!Shit!" I yelled jumping on my unhurt foot.

"You alright?" I heard him say after he was done laughing.

I felt two hands gently turn me around.

I let out a deep breath and walked, well, limped away from him out of the kitchen.My foot was still throbbing with pain.

"Where do you think you're going? Sit down," he said with a firm voice.

And because my foot was actually hurting a lot, and the chair was right in front of me, I listened.

"Good girl. Now show me your foot.", he said softly and kneeled down.

He took my injured foot into his hands gingerly.

My cheeks suddenly heated up as his hands made contact with my skin.

Luckily, since he was busy looking at my foot, he couldn't see how red my cheeks had become.

"I think it's going to bruise."

"Thanks doctor."

He looked up at me and I instantly regretted not keeping my big mouth shut.

I was still blushing like crazy. What the hell was up with me, I couldn't understand.

As expected he smirked."Well, what can I say, I'm a freaking genius."

I rolled my eyes at him."You dream too much."

"You  know what I think? "


Ignoring my response, he continued,
"You look like a tomato and the opinion of a tomato does not mean anything."

I almost gasped."Let go," I said, trying to pretend I wasn't embarassed.

He didn't.

"Let go of my foot!" I yelled and shook my leg around wildly so that he'd loosen his grip but I accidentally kicked his face with my foot.

"Hey!" he yelled cupping a hand over his cheek.

I gasped."I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!"

"It's fine," he said getting up, one hand still over his cheek where I'd hit him.

"I'm just gonna go get ready. You take care of your foot," he said as he headed towards the stairs.

"Where are you going?"

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