Chapter 37

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"Wake up."

He groaned, pulling me closer.

We had  been up talking till quite late last night. I couldn't remember when we'd fallen asleep.

I took in a deep breath, wrapping my arms around him. Surely five more minutes couldn't hurt?

"Get up both of you, you're getting late for school!" Amanda's voice sounded from outside.

I sighed. The universe couldn't possibly let me be happy, could it?

"Morning, Ashy," a husky voice said, pulling me closer.

"Morning Aaron."

"What a beautiful sight to wake up to," he grinned, closing his eyes as if to savour the moment.

I felt my cheeks heat up and he planted a kiss on my cheek.

"Get up!" Amanda yelled, making both of us groan.

"Always ruining the moment," Aaron said grumpily and I chuckled.

"Let's skip school today?" he asked, giving me the puppy dog face.

God, why did he have to make this so hard? Like I would want to say no to that.

"I wish we could,"I sighed, pulling away from him to get out of bed.

"Ashy," he groaned, pulling me back.

"Aaron," I said in what I thought was a stern voice, trying my best not to take up his offer.

"Please?" he pouted and before I could give in, his sister barged into the room and started yelling.

"What the hell is wrong with you two? I'm going to make you two sleep in separate rooms from now on," she scolded, as if she were our mother.

Aaron huffed and I resisted the urge to giggle.

Grunting, Aaron finally let go of me and we both got up.

"There. Much better .You have ten minutes to change your clothes, have breakfast and leave.Okay?" she said slowly like she was talking to three year olds.

Aaron rolled his eyes and went to the bathroom, muttering something under his breath.

I took one look at Amanda and ran off to another bathroom.Amanda was pretty scary when she was mad.

Fifteen minutes later, we were sat in the car, on our way to school.

"I hate school," Aaron scowled.

I sighed. "Yeah, me too."

"At least you're there, though," he said, giving me a charming smile.

There goes my heart.

"Stop being so fucking sweet all the time," I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?" he smirked.

"Nothing," I said looking down to hide the blush that had conveniently appeared on my face.

"Something about fucking me, eh?" he said and I gasped .

"You can't just say that, Aaron!"

"Why not?" he smirked again.

Goddamn him,why did he have go smirk so much?And why did I like it so much when he did?

"Because, I paused to think what to say, "it's inappropriate."

"What's your point?" he raised an eyebrow.

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