Chapter 5

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I'd been sitting in my room working on a project for school for a few hours.My neck hurt and my eyes stung.I had been staring at the laptop screen for way too long.

I got out of my room to get myself something to eat and drink.

It was pitch black in the house. Had everyone gone to sleep?

I didn't bother to switch the lights on since I knew where the fridge was. I opened it and was looking for something to eat when someone yelled in my ear, startling me."Booo!"

I shrieked, taken aback.

Then I heard it.That laugh that never failed to irritate me.

"Aaron!",I punched what I thought is his arm. I still couldn't see anything.

The guy seriously needed help.His brain had stopped growing at the age of five.

The lights come on then, and I heard Joanna's voice. "Aaron, relax.We don't want the neighbors to think there's a wild animal in the house now, do we?"

Aaron shut up at that and I cackled.

When I finally stopped laughing,I looked at Aaron.He looked somewhat different,though.

I couldn't really tell what it was though.

"Take a picture," he said, smirking.

"I wasn't staring.You just.. look different. "

"I got a haircut," he rolled his eyes.

Oh right.His hair.


Now that I looked at him,I realised that he looked even hotter than before.

Not that I would evet admit it to him.

"I had to get it cut because of you," he said,looking at me accusingly.

"Me?Are you crazy?" I looked at him incredulously.

"That gum you threw at me wouldn't come out," he explained.

I laughed."Oh,that."

"Hey, it actually looks good, Aaron," Joanna said.

"Yeah," I said quietly.

That of course, got Aaron's attention."You just keep looking for excuses to compliment me,don't you?" he waggled his eyebrows.

"In your dreams, maybe," I scoffed.

"No,really I see how you look at me . I'm sure I've even seen you drooling a few times," he exaggerated dramatically.

"So you dream about me? Because you'd only see me drooling over you in your dreams."

Now, I feel bound to tell you that he was not at all bad looking

He was in fact, probably the most good looking guy I'd ever seen.

But I wouldn't be found dead admitting that to him.

"I know you dream about me.And not in an appropriate way either," he winked suggestively and Joanna cringed.

"Dream about killing you, yes," I shot back.

He opened his mouth to answer me but Joanna spoke before him.
"As entertaining as this has been, I'm going to bed now," Joanna declared, yawning.

"Good night,Jo," Aaron said.


She chuckled."Have fun," she said with a wink and went to her room.

I was horrified at what she was insinuating.

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