Chapter 1

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"Mom are you sure I can't come with you?" I asked for the hundredth time.

She looked at me with her deep green eyes, frowning. "Ashley.We've talked about this."

My mother was taking a few months off from work to go and visit her mother who had gotten ill.

Lucky that she was dad's business partner, otherwise I doubt that any employer would have given her this much time off from work and at such short notice too.

I sighed. I had really wanted to see my grandmother. The last time I'd seen her was when I was little kid so I barely remembered what she was like.

I'd hoped that she'd take me with her to see my grandmother but she wouldn't hear of it.

The only good thing about this whole situation was that I was going to live with my best friend Kayla until she came back; because while she was leaving that day, my father had already left a few days ago for a business trip. He would probably be back sooner than Mom though.

"Ashley, you have school," she said again, checking the time on her phone.

"And you have work," I muttered quietly but she heard it anyway.

She gave me a stern look. "This is the end of this discussion. Now go and get your stuff so that I can drop you off to Kayla's on my way to the airport," she said with a firm voice.

Shaking my head, I went back to my room. It was worth a last try.

I'd already packed my stuff yesterday because knowing mom, I had already been sure that she wouldn't take me with her.

I made my way into the bathroom and quickly threw in any other things I would need that I hadn't packed yet.

"Clothes-check, underwear-check, makeup-check, toiletries-check, hair brush-check. What else do I need?" I muttered to myself as I went through everything I'd put in the bag.

Guess I was good to go.

I zipped the suitcase up and threw my phone into my bag before pulling it onto my shoulder.

I was struggling to get the suitcase outside my room when a pair of hands took it from me."Here, let me do it."

I looked up and saw Joe, a family friend who was going to drop mom off.

"Thanks Joe," I smiled at him.

"Anytime. Do you have everything?" he asked as he took the suitcase from me.

"Yeah. Oh! I forgot some of my books!" I exclaimed, slapping my forehead with my palm.

"You're a saviour Joe."

He chuckled, ruffling my hair.
I fixed my hair quickly as I went back to get my books while he wheeled the suitcase away.

My books were kept on a table in one corner of my room. Quickly grabbing everything I could find, I shoved it all into a duffel bag and hurried downstairs.

When I went downstairs, the entire house was locked up, leaving only the main door open which would also be closed once we were outside.

I wouldn't have minded living alone at my house to be honest, with Jilly-a woman in her thirties-and her daughter Tessa who helped us around the house. They were just like family to me.

But here I was, ready to leave my house.

Five minutes later, I was in the car, listening to music as we drove away, with the house all locked up.
Jilly and Tessa would stay in the small hut behind our house where they lived.

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