Chapter 24

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"Hi, Jo," I greeted as I entered the house.

I'd just gotten back from school.

"Hey sweetie. How was your day?" she asked as we walked inside.

"It was alright," I said, trying to push the encounter with Aaron away from my mind.

"Where's Aaron?" she asked, looking behind me.

"Oh he just got a call, he'll be right here."

She nodded. "Okay, why don't you go freshen up while I make something for you to eat?" she suggested and I nodded eagerly.

I went upstairs and was just about to go check on Amanda enter when I saw that the door was closed.  I guess she wanted some time alone.

I went to my room and freshened up a little  before going back downstairs.

As I was going down the stairs, I saw that Aaron had already come back and seemed to be in a serious conversation with Joanna.

"She's coming here," Aaron said ,looking pissed.

"Aaron, it's alright. It's just for a few days, honey."

"I know but-" at this point, his gaze fell on me,"Well,I guess I'll manage," he said, still looking at me.

"That's like my boy. Now sit down, I'll get the food."

By this time, I'd reached downstairs and I was standing next to him.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Amanda's mom is coming."


I had never met Aaron's stepmother but from what I knew of her, she didn't seem like a bad person. What was Aaron worried about ?

"Tomorrow. I had to tell her about Amanda's accident and now she's coming back."

"But..I don't understand.I thought you said she was nice?" I asked, still confused.

He sighed, slumping down on a chair."She's fine but the thing is even she doesn't care about us, about Amanda. Not really."

He paused,"So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't want them to suddenly start pretending like they care."

I nodded slowly."I understand. "

"You do?"

Before anything could be said further, Joanna entered with two plates in her hands."Food is here," she announced and we went to eat.

I went to bed early that night. I was more tired than usual, for some reason.

Just as I slid under the covers, someone came inside without knocking.

"You're sleeping already?" he raised an eyebrow.

"I'm tired," I replied, yawning to prove my point.

"Okay never mind then."


"Um, well we were just watching movies with Mandy so I thought maybe you'd wanna join us . But it's cool if you want to sleep. Good night," he said and walked out of the room.

I blinked. He wanted me to watch movies with him?

I got out of bed and went to Amanda's room where Aaron and Amanda were sat on the bed and Jo was sitting on a chair, all three staring at the T.V.screen.

Aaron's head snapped up and surprise was clear in his eyes when they landed on me. A small smile crept onto his face.

"Ashley, I thought you were sleeping," said Amanda, "Aaron,move," she ordered him and he moved closer to her so that there was space for me to sit on the bed.

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