Chapter 52

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"Sesshomaru what's the meaning of this!"

They heard Inuyasha before they saw him. "It figures you'd be here! You're always getting in the way. But not today!"

Inuyasha tried to leap forward past Sesshomaru to get at Sara, but the dai-yokai stuck him with Tokijin. Inuyasha fell back, holding his now injured shoulder.

"Leave her Inuyasha. She is none of your concern."

Inuyasha grimaced. "That's what you think, but use took my Tessaiga and I'm getting it back! Blades of Blood!"

The half demon used the blood from his injury in an attack, and the demonic blades slung past Sesshomaru and clipped Sara, taking off her right arm. A huge swath of demons erupted from the wound and attacked Inuyasha, pinning his arms to his sides.

"Curse you Inuyasha," Sara spat, as a snake demon slithered out of her shoulder, "I will send you to your death."

Sesshomaru, who had move out of the way when Inuyasha launched his attack, stepped in between the two again, preventing Sara from making a move.

She seemed confused. "Lord Sesshomaru?"

"I've seen more than enough of your disgustingly wretched form, woman." He held up Tokijin.

At this action, Sara's eyes widened in disbelief. "Lord Sesshomaru, what are you doing?"

"I do not need to dictate my actions to the likes of you," he replied coldly.

It was this scene that Noro and the others happened upon. "Look, there's Inuyasha," called Kagome, pointing.

"Take us down Kilala,"said Sango, and they began to descend. Noro tugged on A-Un's reins, and they followed.

"Hey, look who's fighting down there," said Miroku.

"It looks like Sesshomaru's fighting Sara," replied Noro, "but, why?"

Sesshomaru swung Tokijin at Sara, striking her directly down the middle. She screamed, and Noro was surprised to see a swarm of demons burst forth from the strike! Sara wailed and lowered her head.

"Damn you Sesshomaru," she spoke, in a growling voice very different from before, "you've exposed us!"

Sesshomaru struck again. "As if your disguise could fool me!"

Jaken's eyes bulged out of his head. "Sara was a demon the entire time?!?"

"I think she's been a demon ever since she died in the convent," Noro said quietly.

The horned demon that Sara had become laughed saltily. "Good for you Sesshomaru, you found us out. Sara was just a medium; a way to get what we wanted. And we never wanted Inuyasha or his Tessaiga; it was always you that we were after!"

Noro grimaced. 'I knew it', she thought bitterly. 'I knew that Sara was up to no good!'

"We knew that if we stole Inuyasha's sword that you would not be far behind, and our plans turned out perfectly!"

Noro and the others landed as the demonic Sara finished monologuing. Sango freed Inuyasha from the demons holding him with her Hiraikotsu, and Miroku took out there studying his Wind Tunnel.

"Hey Inuyasha," Kagome called, "Umineko is that nun that died in the fire yesterday! Her body has been possessed by demons!"

"She's possessed huh," Inuyasha said. He walked over to Kagome. "Then the best thing that we can do for her now is destroy her."

Noro blinked in realization. The feeling that she must've had in the gorge, Sara's sudden appearance, and her smirk as she left; she truly had been possessed by demons from the very moment of her death.

"This woman's spirit has become our nourishment," the demon exclaimed as they sent more wraiths towards Sesshomaru, "and once we have devoured you and all of your demonic energy, we will become unstoppable!"

The dai-yokai that they were targeting guffawed, his stance unwavering as he cut down the attacking demons. "Nothing but trash," he said.

Just then, to everyone's surprise, Sara's face began to take form on the demons chest, her ghostly white visage distraught. Much to Noro's discomfort, the woman's eyes were again fixed on Sesshomaru.

"Lord Sesshomaru," she pleaded woefully, "I'm so sorry for what I have put you through! Please forgive me, and destroy me along with these demons that possess me, I beg you!"

The woman's voice was faint and pitiful. Noro's heart twisted. 'She might be young and naive,' she thought, "but her feelings are genuine."

A wave of shame washed over her.

"Sesshomaru," Noro found herself speaking. "Please Sesshomaru, you have to help Sara! She hasn't been consumed completely yet, so there must be something that can be done!"

Sesshomaru sliced through the demons armor again, but only more demons swarmed out, and the one possessing Sara laughed.

"You fool," they crowed, "Tokijin is a blade forged from the pure hatred and bloodlust of a thousand demons! It's useless against us, nay, it's evil gives us power!"

Sesshomaru struck at the demon once more before sheathing his sword, succeeding in tearing Tessaiga from from the monsters grip, along with its arm. The fang clattered to the ground behind the dai-yokai.

'If I cannot use Tokijin," Sesshomaru thought, "then perhaps"-

He stopped and glanced down at his side, where Tesseiga had begun to shake impatiently in its sheath.

Although his fathers bequeathment had proven most useless in the past, the fang had been unusually insistent to make itself useful as of late. He drew the blade, curious as to what his fathers sword had planned.

"Wait, he drew Tesseiga," Kagome questioned aloud. She had drawn her bow, prepared to shoot a sacred arrow at the demon in the hopes of purifying the evil from Sara's body. "Why?"

Noro's head throbbed painfully. "I'm not sure..."

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