Chapter 60

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Sure enough, her sandals skidded on the gavel, and instinctively she grabbed onto the demons flank for support, but it flinched away, and Noro stumbled backwards and fell into the water. But it didn't burn.

Noro sat there, a little stunned, watching the water boil around her while she remained unharmed. It was warm yes, but not unbearably so. The horse turned its head to look at her, and it whickered, laughing at her. It nudged the swords at her side.

"Hey what- OH!"

Her katana, Hageshi Taiyo, was glowing orange.

Noro stood up and drew her sword, staring at the glowing blade. "I knew that these were made from Sesshomaru's fangs, but I didn't expect this," she said wonderingly. "It must have a spell on it that keeps me from getting burned."

The horse snorted, and Noro rolled her eyes. "Well it's not like I was given a manual for magic demon weapons," she said, and sheathed the blade. "I thought that you had to have demon blood in you to control these things, but maybe it's just reacting to the magic of my curse."

She clambered over the rocks to where the demons leg was pinned.

"Alright," she said, gently tapping the horses rump, "I'm right here, so don't accidently kick me or anything, ok?"

Kneeling down, Noro examined the situation. It looked like it was a simple fix. Noro just needed to lever one of the rocks up with something, and the demon would be able to get free. She pulled out her sword again and wedged it between the rocks. "If Sesshomaru knew I was using his fang like this, he might kill me," She joked, "but there's nothing stronger. Ready?"

The demon snorted again, and Noro nodded. "Ok, on the count of three. Three, two, one, go!"

She leaned down against the hilt of the blade, and with a groan, the boulder slowly moved backwards. "Now," she yelled as she strained to keep the stone in place.

Quicker than lightning, the demon shot free, and Noro let the boulder smack back into place. Noro examined her sword for damage before sheathing it again. She glanced over at the demon horse, which now stood nearby, favoring its wounded leg and staring at her quizzically. "What?"

The horse lifted its nose at her a few times and nickered. Noro raised an eyebrow.

"Look, I appreciate the thank you for helping you out, but I'm not really looking for a steed," she said. She jumped into the water and splashed back to shore. The horse followed her.

She paused and whirled around at the demon, who stopped and stared at her again. "I told you," she said forcefully, "I don't. Need. A horse. It would be too much of a hassle!"

"I turn into a monster every full moon," she went on, "and now I even have nightmares because I got possessed a few weeks ago. I don't need anything else in my life right now!"

The horse bumped its nose into her chest, and Noro's resolve crumpled. "Fine," she said, wrapping her arms around the demons head and hugging it tightly.

She let go and waved a finger at it. "But you better be on your best behavior from here on, alright?"

The demon horse snorted softly, as if to say, "duh", and Noro smiled. She stroked her hand over its face, brushing off some of the dirt that had caked itself onto the demons coat. Then she got a great idea.

"Well, if you're going to stick with me, you're going to need a name," she said, "And I have the perfect one. From now on, you're going to be called Mōka!"

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