Chapter 3

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That night, when they made camp, the demon lord went out for some game while Rin redressed Noro's wounds. Noro took this opportunity to ask about the yokai.

"Rin, what kind of a demon is Lord Sesshomaru? I've never seen one that looks so much like a human before. Is he a half demon?"

Rin shook her head, but it was Jaken who answered.

"Lord Sesshomaru, a half demon!? Of all the insulting- Lord Sesshomaru is a pure blooded dog demon of the devil is breeding I'll have you know, and if he were here right now he would kill you without a second thought for that remark! A half demon! Ha!"

Noro scrunched her eyebrows. "If he's a dog demon, then why does he look like a human?"

The small imp managed what could pass as a spiteful smirk, and said, "you idiot, powerful demons can make themselves look like humans.Lord Sesshomaru's true form is that of a large dog."

"Powerful demons huh," Noro mused. She gave Jaken the side eye. "So not you then."

Rin laughed as Jaken and began to bluster and argue.

Sesshomaru appeared then, out of the far trees, carrying the corpse of a large bird. Jaken leapt to attention as he approached. The demon lord locked eyes with Noro for a moment in acknowledgment, and then turned his gaze to the prostrated imp, lightly flinging the dead bird on top of him. "Jaken, prepare the food."

Jaken nodded enthusiastically. "Yes my lord, right away!"

Sesshomaru seated himself besides Noro as Jaken began to pluck and roast the bird.

"So, you're a dog demon huh," Noro said to the yokai lightly.

He didn't answer.

"Um, hello?"


"Uh, great demon lord?"


Finally, Noro grabbed the demons ear to bring him down to her level, and in the next split second Sesshomaru had grabbed her arm.

"Woman, you will not touch this Sesshomaru again upon the pain of death."

Noro yanked her hand back, rubbing it. "Well maybe you'd better answer when someone's talking to you," she muttered.

"I have no obligation to converse with lowly humans."

"You forget that I never asked for your help last night."


Noro squirmed. The itch from her wounds, along with the silence of the surrounding area, was getting to her. She glanced at Sesshomaru again, and this time her eyes were drawn to the worn down swords at his side.

"Looks like those swords of yours have seen better days. Do they have names?"

There was the slightest tilt of his head, and he allowed himself to say, "Tokijin and Tenseiga."

Noro hummed in reply, content with his answer. Jaken later brought over the food, and they ate in silence. Rin and Noro then fell asleep against Ah-Un.

Hey guys, author here! Sorry for the short chapter, I promise the next one will be longer! Ciao!

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