Chapter 35

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The next day they continued to head northward, following the faint scent of Naraku.

While Noro never brought up the subject of her hair again, tensions were high.

"Come now, even Jaken could do better," the demon sneered when Noro tried to strike him with her stave.

"You bastard," Noro gasped.

"You're still clumsy and stiff with your weapon," Sesshomaru commented. "Stupid woman."

"Arrogant man," she retorted. Ignoring Jakens squawking, they clashed weapons again, and Sesshomaru pushed her backwards. Noro growled angrily. Kicking him in the shins, the woman kept backward and ran to his left.

She swung her weapon at him, aiming for his shoulder. The dai-yokai turned to protect himself, and she twisted the angle of her strike onto his sword arm, and succeeded in hitting the knuckles of his claw, a blow hard enough to cripple any mortal.

"HA! Yes," Noro exclaimed triumphantly.

Sesshomaru stood up straight and threw away his branch, hitting Jaken in the head. "We're done for the day," he said.

"Why," Noro said slyly, "scared I'll land another shot?"

He stared at her as though she was an idiot. "You're exhausted," he stated blandly. "Tomorrow we'll begin with real weapons, so do not become so confident."

"As opposed to you, Mr. Humility," she replied.

He was about to reply, when suddenly, the wind changed, and a chill raced down her spine. There was an ominous aura to the north.

"Something's not right," she muttered.

"Look, the mountains," Jaken exclaimed, pointing, and Noro gaze followed. She saw what looked like a heavy miasma envelope the mountains ahead. "Naraku," Noro said bitterly.

She looked at Sesshomaru, who was watching the poison fog intensely. "Right?"

He nodded.

"Rin, get on A-Un," said the demon lord. The girl rushed to obey. "You as well woman."

Noro blinked. "Why?"

"Isn't it clear," Jaken squawked, "you humans will only hold us back."

Sesshomaru didn't bother to correct the imp. "Look after them," he said, and left abruptly. Jaken was dismayed, and a grin spread across Noros face.

"You'll only hold us back," she echoed.

"Oh shut up," yelled Jaken, "it's clear that Lord Sesshomaru left me to watch over you two pathetic humans! He said so!"

"Oh please," Noro replied with a smile, "he was obviously talking to me!"

"As if he'd trust a human over me," Jaken argued loudly.

"Yeah well, I landed a blow on him today!"

"That was a fluke, a mistake!"

"So "Lord Sesshomaru" makes mistakes now?" Noro laughed as the imp struggled to come up with a good comeback.

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