Chapter 53

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Two chapters is one day?!? It's more likely than you think.

Quickly, Sesshomaru leapt forward and struck through the demon, the sword of heaven phasing through its armor and flesh like mist. The demon stumbled backwards as Sesshomaru retreated back to his former spot, feeling it's breastplate for any damage. When it found none, it laughed giddily and pointed at Sesshomaru.

"Ha, since I posses this human woman, not even your fathers sword can- NGH!!!"

A blindingly bright light erupted from the demons chest, and it screamed, demons swarming in every direction, trying to escape the light.

Noro and the others hunkered down, shielding themselves from the glare. Even Sesshomaru grimaced, his pupils reduced to pinpricks.

Within moments however, the light dissipated, and they lifted their heads. Birds chirped and the breeze ruffled the leaves in the trees. Noro stared past Sesshomaru's figure at Sara.

Sara's body was dissolving into white powder on the ground, and as she approached, Noro saw Sesshomaru kneel in front of Sara and exchange a few words with her before she disappeared entirely, and afterwards, the demon lord took Sara's flute and stuck it into her ashes.

"Sesshomaru," said Noro quietly, resting her hand gently on his back. The warmth of the woman's palm was pleasing to the yokai. He hummed.

Noro wasn't quite sure what she was feeling at that moment. She wanted to comfort Sesshomaru on one hand, even though she wasn't even sure if he needed comforting, and on the other, she felt guilty that she was relieved that Sara had died. It left a cold feeling in her stomach, and she swallowed hard.

Sesshomaru stood up. "We're leaving. Come Noro, Rin, Jaken."

The woman glanced up at the demon, searching his expressionless face for clues. His eyes were melancholic, looking away from her, beyond the shadow of the trees. She winced, and turned away. "Alright, I'll just be a moment. We should say goodbye after all."

"I wish we had more time to catch up," Kagome sighed. "It's been a while since we last saw each other."

"I know, but it's probably best if we leave," Noro grinned tiredly. "With all those demons that swarmed out, I wouldn't be surprised if there'll be some unwanted attention from the nearby villages soon. And I really don't want to run into some hatchet-happy terrified villagers right now." Her mask slipped a bit.

"Well, next time, whether they like it or not, we're having dinner and catching up, pinky promise?" Kagome held up her pinky. Noro raised an eyebrow, and the priestess laughed. "We hook pinky's together to symbolize that the promise has been made," she explained.

"Oh," they hooked pinkies. "I promise next time we'll have dinner," Noro said.

"Great! See you then!" Kagome grinned, and Noro began to walk away, towards where Rin, Sesshomaru, and the others were waiting for her. She smiled a bit as she overheard Inuyasha complain about and object to having dinner with his half brother and his haram, and then get promptly "sat" by Kagome.

Then she made the mistake of meeting Sesshomaru's melancholic eyes again, and her confused feelings slipped around her shoulders once more.

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