Chapter 62

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In the next few weeks Mōka soon proved to be a most interesting steed. They were quite temperamental in the mornings, and would often antagonize Jaken to the point that he was practically glued to A-Un, who the demon horse had tried to annoy, but quickly retreated when it found itself pinned under the growling beast.

Noro now rode the large horse almost daily due to her exhaustive nightmares, and would often fall asleep on its back. She seemed to gain some comfort from the beast, and Mōka didn't seem to mind. The stallion seemed to like the woman, and would walk more gently as she napped.

It was during one of the rare mornings that Noro felt energetic enough to walk on her own, that the wind changed.

The land around them shifted as well, becoming more rocky and desolate. The metallic tang of demonic aura hung heavy in the air, and mists swirled around them, obscuring the path ahead. And of course, Jaken was whining about it.

"Oh, I hope that our journey soon comes to an end," he bemoaned. "It's gone on for so long now."

Mōka snorted softly as Noro rolled her eyes. "Jaken, you're being too negative," she reasoned, "you need to look on the bright side."

"What bright side is there in all this fog," he complained.

Noro rolled her eyes again as the imp continued to make a fuss. Improving Jaken's mood was hopeless. Rin and her had tried multiple times, but it seemed that perhaps the imp actually enjoyed being such a wet blanket. He was lucky that Sesshomaru didn't seem to mind his constant grumbling.

Suddenly however, Jaken's moaning stopped. "Lord Sesshomaru, would you look at that! It's been beheaded!"

Beheaded? What? Noro looked up as the fog rolled away, revealing the gruesome sight.

The corpse of a gigantic demon bird lay before them on the mountainside. Noro guessed that this was where the demonic aura had originated from, but it was strange. There were no scavengers on the body, so it was obviously fresh, so where was the blood?

Then a shiver went down the woman's spine as a familiar voice spoke up from behind. "You're too late you know. This gateway has already opened and closed again."

Everyone whirled around to face the voice.


The witch woman stared down at them haughtily from a nearby ledge. "Hello again Entei. Hakudōshi will be pleased to learn that you survived Inuyasha's Backlash Wave."

Noro was confused. Who was Hakudōshi? What did Inuyasha have to do with this?

Mōka shifted beside her, fire coming from its nostrils in short quick bursts as it snorted uneasily. It shook its mane, and its fiery tail lashed behind them. Noro laid a hand of the stallion, trying to calm it down.

Kagura's eyes widened at the display. "So, you've decided to abandon your master for a new one," she mused, and glanced at the incensed Noro. "You best be careful with this one," she warned snarkily. "Entei's allegiances change with the tide it seems."

Noro scowled. "Piss off Kagura! I found Entei trapped and abandoned in a river, so no wonder he wanted to change sides, and I remember what you did to me on Mount Hakure. I shattered Naraku's little mind control spell."

Kagura shrugged. "Whatever."

"Why are you here Kagura," Jaken called out. "Does this giant bird have something to do with Naraku?"

The wind woman smirked and flicked open her fan, eyes narrowing. "Like I'd tell you."

Noro was about to start yelling at the witch again when Sesshomaru to leapt upwards, forcing Kagura back a pace. "You spoke of a gateway. What gateway."

The demoness lowered her gaze warily. "The gateway that links the border the land of the dead to this one," she answered. "Inuyasha and Naraku have traveled through this one, but it's already shut."

'The border between the land of the dead and this one,' Noro thought. 'Why would Naraku want to go there?'

"I can take you to another path," Kagura supplied enticingly, "It lies in the Land of Fire not far from here."

The demoness glanced down at Noro and the others. "But it's quite dangerous. You may not want to bring your entourage along."

Noro scowled again. Whether or now it was a trap, and even if Kagura had a point, she'd be damned if she was going to be left behind this time. She mounted Entei quickly and turned him to face the others. "I'm going with Sesshomaru this time," she announced. She glared at Jaken intimidatingly. "You're going to stay and make sure Rin stays safe, you understand?"

Jaken gulped, whatever protests he had come up with dying on his tongue. He nodded.

Pleased with Jaken's answer, Noro spurred Entei upwards towards Sesshomaru and Kagura, her eyes landing on the demon lord, who'd watched the whole thing expressionlessly. She blushed.

"What," Noro asked defensively, "He doesn't take his job seriously sometimes. I just wanted to make sure he understood this time."

"You're just assuming that you're coming with me," he replied. Noro shrugged. "What, are you gonna try to stop me?" A wry grin crossing her features. Sesshomaru thought it looked beautiful.

"No," he answered, "It would be a waste of time."

Noro's grin widened. "Exactly."

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