Chapter 25

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"Wake up, little one."

Noro could barely move, but that was the least of her worries.

A strong, tremendously strong demonic presence was surrounding her, suffocating her. As she gained consciousness, Noro's instincts were screaming at her to run, fight, or kill whatever was threatening her. But she was so weak from the oppressive presence that all she managed was a weak tug at whatever bound her hands.

A sinister chuckle sounded from the darkness in front of her. "Don't even try," it said. "I promise you that the spell you're under has rendered you quite powerless against me."

"Yeah," she snarled weakly, "and what kind of coward has someone else kidnap people, and then hides from them in the shadows?"

The presence fell silent, and a figure stepped out of the shadows. The man was unfamiliar.

"Who are you," she muttered.

The person opened his mouth to answer, but another voice interrupted him.

"Naraku," Kagome yelled indignantly as she was dragged into the room by Kagura, who left the priestess next to Noro.

"You'll pay for this," the woman seethed. Naraku glanced at Kagura.

"Those magic beads disintegrated," the witch explained, "they didn't work on her."

"Curious," said the half demon, "but unimportant. Go outside Kagura. I'm sure that Inuyasha and his arrogant half brother will be here soon."

The wind woman scoffed, and walked outside the room with a haughty flick of her fan.

"What do you want with us Naraku," Kagome hissed.

The creature glared over at her. "I want Inuyasha's demise, and to see the Shikon Jewel tainted with evil. Of which..."

One of his tendrils reached out from his body towards the miko, snaking up her torso to snag the shards from around Kagomes neck.

"No," Kagome cried.

Naraku laughed, and then turned his scarlet eyes over to Noro, gleaming like two pearls of blood. "And you."

Noros metaphorical hackles raised in defiance of his stare. "What the hell do you want with me," she hissed.

He came closer.

"I'm curious," he said, "does the mighty lord Sesshomaru know that you turn into a monster?"

"That's none of your Goddamn business," Noro snapped.

Naraku laughed. "I suppose not."

"And perhaps," he said slowly, "it might be even better if he knows. He might just be upset." He grinned.

"As for you, you'll belong to me."

Another tendril of his body reached out, and Noro caught the dark flicker of a tainted jewel shard in its grasp.

Noros apprehension grew as the shard baring tentacle drew nearer to her. She didn't know what he intended to do to her, but she didn't intend to go down without a fight.

Noro began to struggle fervently, a before unfound strength allowing her to free her an arm the magic bonds.

"Naraku you beast," Kagome yelled, "keep your hands off her!"

Without a word, Naraku flung an arm at the miko, an effective gag to keep her silent. "Annoying woman," he growled.

The tainted shard grew nearer, and Noro suddenly felt something in the back of her mind.

'Chains, no chains,' it chanted. 'Break free, must break free. Destroy this nasty insect for his crimes.'

The bonds on her other arm began to weaken, and the voice in her head grew louder.

Naraku eyes widened. "What's this," he sai. "The bond I have over her is weakening?!?"

He went in for the kill, and on instinct, Noro grabbed it. She fought the half demon to keep the shard from touching the necklace around her neck.

Grappling with his flesh felt like trying to handle water, except it was alive, warm, and piercingly evil. Noro recoiled at the touch, and that was enough for the spider. The shard connected.

The voice in her head screamed, and Noros eyes rolled in the back of her head as a large burst of energy freed the rest of her limbs, and she fell to the ground in a senseless heap.

Kagome yelled; a muffled sound behind her gag.

Naraku withdrew, a devilish smile crossing his lips.

"Now, get up," he commanded.


Hello y'all,

Thank y'all for reading this far; I'm glad you enjoy the story!

Not to be a squeaky wheel, but I really do appreciate any votes and comments. Thank you for any encouragement you can give!


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