Chapter 26

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"Get up."

Noro obeyed the spiders order, despite every every fiber of her being screaming at her to rip the vile demons throat out.

Naraku laughed. "Perfect," he said darkly. "A perfect little puppet."

Just then, the wall behind the half demon exploded, throwing the entire room into chaos.

The explosion, of course, was from Imuyashas infamous Wind Scar, followed by Sesshomaru's electric Dragon Strike. It seemed that for once, the brothers were working together.

"What the fuck was that Sesshomaru! I told you to piss off!"

Well, maybe not.

Noro had control of her faculties again, but before she could lunge at Naraku, she was shoved backwards by an arrogant dai-yokai.

"Stay out of my way," he hissed.

Before Noro could retort with a more scathing response, she was lifted away on Kirara by Miroku, with Sango pulling up Kagome on the other side.

"Are you ok," the priest asked.

"Yes," Noro replied. "Have you seen Rin?"

"She stayed behind with Jaken," Miroku replied.

"Thank the kamis," Noro breathed.


Eventually, Naraku ran away, and everyone returned to camp.

"Noro, are sure that you're ok," Kagome asked the woman again.

"I told you I'm fine Kagome," Noro answered in a tired voice. "Whatever that bastard tried to do to me, I think broke before he could complete it."

Kagome looked unconvinced, and so Noro pulled back her Kano spoke to reveal her bare neck.

"See," she insisted, "no necklace, no control."

"Well," the miko said slowly, "if you're sure."

Noro pulled the fabric back to its original place, and turned to Rin, who was seated on her other side.

"But I'm glad that you're alright," she said to the girl. "When you disappeared, I panicked. Where were you?"

"I'm sorry Lady Noro, I had gone to relieve myself. I was only gone a minute."

Noro curled an arm around the orphan comfortingly. "It's ok," she said. "Just next time, tell me before you run off."

Rin nodded quickly.

"Seriously though," Kagome said, "whatever Naraku was planning, I don't want to think about it. It's like he has a fetish for manipulating people, especially against their will." She shuddered.

"It makes me wonder why he came to Lake Morifuli in the first place," Miroku added. "The waters are sacred and pure, just like my dear Sango."

Noro didn't even bother to react to Miroku advances on the demon slayer. Sangos hand was already streaking towards the monks face and connected with a loud slap. She left a red mark on his cheek.


Everyone shook their heads, and Noro changed the subject.

"Sango, how did you guys find us anyway?"

"Well, we had just lost Kagome, and then we discovered that Inuyasha couldn't track due to the amount of spiritual energy in the town. That's when we ran into Sesshomaru."

"Wait, in town!?!" Noro glanced over at the demon, who seemed unaware that he was now the subject of their conversation.

"Yeah, I was surprised, but all the townspeople were fleeing in terror, so..." she trailed off.

"Yeah," Noro agreed, "and then?"

"Well," Sango continued, "we followed him. He said that since he was a full blooded demon, he could smell your scent."

"And there were no fights?"

Sango shook her head. "Arguing yes, but no fights. It... was different."

"I see."

Noro glanced over at the dai-yokai again, this time with confusion in her eyes. It seemed that he had actually listened to her for once. Then why did he had to be so damn stubborn?

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