Chapter 66

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They made it to the daimyo's castle early the next evening.

I've never seen so many guards out before," Takai whispered to them as they were let in through the front gate, "and never so serious." Noro and her brother glanced at the soldiers as they walked past. Not a smiling face was seen among them.

"It's like looking at a bunch of statues," she whispered to Habiki. "I wonder what's got them all so spooked."

"Maybe it's bandits," he whispered back, "or it could be those wolf attacks. They could be causing trouble here too."

"I guess." she glanced at the guards again. "I didn't see Takuma with them," she said. "I wonder where he is."

"Worried about your boyfriend," her brother asked, snickering under his breath. She elbowed him.

"He's not my boyfriend, moron," she hissed, "and I'm just curious. He and his brother  work here as guards, you know."

"Yeah, yeah."

After they presented the new crockery to the daimyo, Noro's family was invited to stay a few nights in the castle before returning to the village due to the wolves.

"They've been a nuisance lately," stated the lord, "and I would hate to see our resident potter be killed by one of those vicious animals."

Noro was approached by a familiar face when they were settling in for the night.

"I missed you," Takuma told her, giving her a hug. "Hey, do you want me to carry that for you?" he gestured to her things.

"Aw, thanks," she replied. "I got it though."

"I insist!"

Noro smiled, shaking her head. "Fine, if you insist."

He grabbed her things with a smile and walked with her down the hall.

"I didn't see you when my family came in," Noro mentioned, "were you busy?"

The young man nodded. "Yeah, the lord has increased patrols along the walls ever since the wolves arrived. It's kept me and my brother pretty busy."

He grinned at her. "Were you worried about me?"

"No," she answered nonchalantly, causing the man to deflate a little. "I was just wondering. What's the deal with those wolves anyway? Why have they appeared?"

"No one knows. They just showed up about a week ago, and they've been eating all the game in the woods and terrorizing everyone in the nearby villages ever since. You've probably heard them?"

"Yeah, one approached our camp last night on the way here."

Takuma turned to her, shock evident on his face. "You saw a wolf at your camp?!"

"Yeah, but it got scared and ran off before anyone got hurt," 'Before I could get any answers from it,' she thought bitterly. She frowned.

Takuma must have mistaken her expression for one of pain, and his face turned sympathetic. "I'm so sorry that you had to go through that Noro. That must have been terrifying. I wish that I had been there to protect you."

She shrugged. "So, you've been dealing with them here too?"

He nodded. "The wolves circle around our castle at night and howl. Not only does it keep everyone awake, but it's really spooky. It's got everyone really on edge. Just a few days ago-"

"So is this the little potter that you've been telling everyone about Takuma," someone interrupted. Takuma winced and turned around towards the voice. "Hey Sadao."

Noro turned, and beheld another soldier, younger than Takuma, but similar in face, though where Takuma had smile lines, this one clearly took a more serious approach to life.

"Noro, this is my younger brother, Sadao," Takuma introduced them.

"Takuma," his brother began to scold him, "I've been looking all over the castle for you, and now I find you wasting your time carrying some peasants' clothing? You're a lieutenant now. You have more important things that need to be done, like ensuring the safety of our lord and liege!"

Noro raised an eyebrow. Who put a stick up this kid's ass?

Takuma rolled his eyes. "Sadao, I asked to carry her luggage. And besides, the whole point of being a lieutenant is that I get to tell other people to do things, like you!"

The young soldier scowled, and retorted, "Whatever. Our shift starts soon." he eyed Noro with disdain. "I hope you'll be done by then." He left.

As soon as Sadao was out of earshot, Noro let out a shocked laugh. "That guy is your little brother? He's not like you at all!"

Takuma nodded. "My little brother can be annoying, but he means well," he reasoned. "He's a good soldier. He's really loyal, and does his best to please the daimyo."

"He's an ass," Noro exclaimed. 'Just like-' her mind came up blank. 'Just like who?' Noro concentrated then, but couldn't think of a name, just the vague memory of a squeaky, annoying voice.

Takuma apparently didn't see her little brain hiccup as he argued "a well meaning ass." They both laughed.

"Hey, I wanted to ask," the man said as they approached her room, "When will your family be leaving us?"

"In a few days, Why?"

Takuma grinned. "It's just that I'll have some time off tomorrow evening, and there's someplace that I've been wanting to show you. Will you come? I promise you'll enjoy it."

"Sure, why not?"

"It's a date then."


That evening however, Noro couldn't get to sleep, and it wasn't because of any howling. Her thoughts were confused.

It had been little things in the last couple days, small things that by themselves, didn't mean much, but altogether, just didn't seem right. Her random crying, the ease of camping on the road, even though she had never done such a thing before, and even her lack of fear in the face of danger. The instance with Takuma's brother had just been the final straw.

'That wolf knows something,' she thought. 'That thing knows why these things have been happening to me. That's why it asked me that question.'

The woman got up. "I'm going to find out what it knows," she said.

Quietly, she began to put on some clothes, but then she stopped. "Wait, how am I supposed to get out of the castle?"

Then, as if in answer, she heard it. The same strange, angry yet somber howl that she had heard the previous night, and as Noro watched, a fine white mist began to seep out from under the doorway in soft billows. It was the wolf, she was sure of it. She followed the trail of mist out of her room and down the hall.

When she reached the courtyard, she could see that the entire castle had been put to sleep. Guards snored, slouching at their posts, and even the moon itself was lidded. But Noro wasn't afraid. No one was going to be hurt.

Soon she arrived at her destination. On a rocky hill under a torii gate, silhouetted by a now bright and full moon, Noro saw the wolf.

She approached it in a daze.

"Do you wish to live free," it asked her again.

"I don't know," she answered truthfully this time. "Do you?"

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