Chapter 29

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The next morning found Noro and Rin curled up tightly against each other underneath a blanket, sleeping soundly. Then Noro slapped her neck, and her eyebrows furrowed. She groaned as her eyelids flickered open.

"Mosquitoes," she muttered as she rose up, scratching at the itchy spot on her neck. Noro rubbed her eyes with her other hand, and glanced down at the little girl tucked snugly against her side. Smiling gently, Noro ruffled Rins hair, before gently moving away from the orphan, without disturbing her.

The young woman stood up, and noticed Sesshomaru nearby, stroking A-Uns neck and whispering something in its ear. The scene were ethereal.

All at once the sight reminded Noro that he was nothing like her; he, a mighty demon ruler, while she was just a human, doomed to suffer, according to him anyway.

Then Sesshomaru noticed her blatant staring. Her face reddened, but instead of going back to bed, she stood up, and walked over to him.

A-Uns left head raised to sniff at her clothes, while the other snorted softly, it's ear being scratched gently by the dai-yokai. She patted the left heads nose in greeting, and studied the demon lord before her, who had turned his face towards his steed.

Noro wondered quietly for a few moments as to what he was telling the two headed dragon. Then she spoke.

"You were talking to A-Un?"

The wind picked up slightly, throwing some number of Sesshomaru's hair into the breeze, shining like spider silk.

"Yes. No not concern yourself; it was nothing of importance."

Noro nodded knowingly.

"I like to talk to A-Un as well, you know. They're such a good listener. They don't judge you either."


Noro sighed. There was a touch of silence then, a quiet, simple moment in which it was only the two of them in existence.

"I should tell you why we are meeting with Totosi."

The moment passed, and Noro raised an eyebrow. "I'll bite. Why?"

"I require some new weapons. I trust in his capabilities."

"Why though? Is something wrong with Tokijin or Tenuseiga?" She glanced up at him, a concerned look on her face.

An eyebrow twitched. "No, they're fine."


"The reasons behind my actions are not something that you will concern yourself with. I allayed your curiosity. Do not disgrace my charity."

Noro sighed.

"Charitable. The one word that describes you," she said mockingly, the peaceful moment from before forgotten all too quickly.

"I'm aware that you're being sarcastic."

"Finally, I guess that there is a language that you understand after all!"

He growled low in his throat at the snapping remark, and Noro finally lost her cool.

"Don't you growl at me dog boy," she yelled. "I was fine to leave it alone, but you were the one that brought up the topic! So don't get pissy when I ask about it!"

"I don't need to listen to you," he argued.

"Well I doubt that you can listen to anybody with your head stuck so far up your ASS!!!"

She turned and stomped away back towards the others, body tense.

"I'm going to go make breakfast now," she tossed the words over her shoulder, "so please try to keep your bitchiness to a minimum." Her comment had a scathing tone to it.

Jaken, ever faithful, lept to his masters defense. "Arrogant woman," he shouted, "you would do well to remember that Lord Sesshomaru has saved your life at least twice now!"

"And he has to live with that. Now get a fire started."

"I dont take orders from-"


"Right away!"

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