What Love Feels Like

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Poe and I walked out onto the tarmac to our ships for the training he had the Squadron doing today. Seven was rolling ahead of us headed for my green X-wing, ready to start the mission. A beeping that was loud and shrill came from behind us and Seven stopped. She turned and looked behind us quickly. She rolled past me so fast she bumped my leg knocking me into Poe who caught me and stood me back up.

"Fuck Seven! What the hell?" Poe laughed as he looked in the direction Seven had just gone.

"Should have known." I laughed.

Rolling towards us was an orange and white one-of-a-kind BB unit. BB-8 was Poe's personal droid but he loaned him to other pilots when the mission required it. I would never loan Seven out but Poe was fine loaning out Eight, I never understood it.

"BB-8!" Poe knelt down and expected the droid to come right to him but BB-8 stopped where Seven met him and they began talking excitedly about the missions they had both been on.

"I think they're in love." I teased Poe as he stooped down on one knee waiting for Eight to finally notice him. "It's kinda cute, don't you think?"

Poe looked up at me where I stood next to him with my arms crossed over my chest. His hands shot up and grabbed my waist, pulling me down onto his knee that was propped up. "It is kinda cute."

"Poe stop, not here." I giggled and tried to pry myself from him.

"Why? Afraid people will know you're mine?" Poe pressed his lips to mine and I couldn't resist him if I tried.

My hands went instinctively to his thick brown hair and I pulled him into me as he kissed me. Whooping sounds from Nash and Sylas brought me out of my moment of bliss. I stood up and pushed Poe down onto his ass with a smirk. "You're like a wild animal, unable to control himself."

"Roar." Poe chuckled as he pulled himself to his feet.

"Did you just roar at me?"

"Maybe." Poe's arm slipped around my waist as he tried to kiss me again and I broke free and ran to my ship laughing the entire way.

"Seven! Come on! You can talk to Eight later." I scampered up the stairs to my cockpit and closed the hatch, locking it just before Poe reached me.

"You have to come out of there at some point, little pilot." Poe stood at the top of the ladder and stared down at me as I strapped my helmet on.

"We'll see." I grinned and started my engine.

Poe jumped down from the ladder and stared up at me shaking his head before he headed over to his own X-wing. Seven got to my X-wing and was lifted into place by the control arm. I started the engines and waited for the roll call. Once the entirety of Black Squad was among the stars Poe started giving us drills and exercises to do.

I paired off with Nash and did targeting drills with him. My mind was wandering as muscle memory took over and I performed the drills flawlessly. Nash targeted my ship and I dove out at the last minute. I got behind Nash and was able to hit him twice with the simulated cannon fire. I could hear him groan in my ear as we rolled and chased each other across the sector. I was distracted by his complaining until BB-7 started beeping in my ear.

"What?" I yelled back at Seven. "No, the readout must be wrong."

"Beep beep whiz chirp beep chirp!" Seven was basically yelling at me.

"Seven it's not possi-" I cut myself off as the Tie fighters came into view. "FUCK!"

I opened fire on the fleet of ships that was flying directly at me. Nash was on my left and opened fire as well. I saw Poe's ship fly overhead and hover just above me as he opened fire. Sylas came into position on my right, opening fire immediately. Tie fighters were dropping left and right as we fired everything we had. I looked to my right and saw Marco, Landon, Uriel, and Briggs in formation as they came at the Ties from the side. Then I saw cannon fire from under me and knew that Jace was there. We were all accounted for as we took on the enemy. As the Ties started to fall away and clear out a ship jumped out of hyperspace.

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