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Poe POV-

I watched Kyla slide down my ladder and walk away. When she got halfway across the Tarmac her little hand came up to her waist and she gave me a half-hearted and sad little wave. I nodded at her as I started to lift my X-wing out of its spot. I looked over my shoulder to see her still standing there and somehow I knew that she would stand there until I was out of sight. I engaged my hyperdrive and left the atmosphere of D'Qar.

The last couple of days had been surreal. I knew that I should have known better to get involved with my little pilot right now. I did so well staying away from her for the first six months after her reassignment to Black Squadron. But after one drunken night, I couldn't get enough of her. I had watched her from a distance for those first six months and then even closer over the last month. She was funny and strong and a hell of a pilot. She worked on her ship whenever she had spare time and took the time to make sure everything was in perfect working order.

I knew the other men on the squad found her as attractive as I did. When she was in her flight suit she was breathtaking but when she would shrug down the top and tie the arms around her waist leaving her in just her small tight tank top I had to chase the others away from her. She usually did that on hot days when she was up to her elbows in her ship or Nash or Uriel's. I was grateful for Nash since day one. He had taken her under his wing and been a real friend to her with no other motivation. Uriel was a real friend but when you got him drunk he would talk and he was just as attracted to her as we all were.

But Kyla had somehow chosen me and I was still trying to wrap my head around it. I wasn't complaining. I definitely had feelings for the little pilot. I had told her I loved her and I was pretty sure that I did. I couldn't imagine not having her around and when I thought about Ren getting his hands on her it really pissed me off. Kyla was mine. She was my little pilot and I'd be damned by the Maker if another man got his hands on her. I smiled to myself in the cockpit of my ship as I thought about my little cockpit just waiting back on base for me.

I saw the base trying to connect calms and knew it was her. "Speak of the Sith Lord, BB-8." I laughed and connected the comm. "This is Black Leader."

"Black Leader, this is Black Nine checking in." Kyla's sweet and flirty voice filled my ears and I almost instantly got hard from it.

"Black Nine, I'm doing fine. How are you?" I answered her with a smirk on my face.

"Boy trouble. Am I right?" She giggled and the sound made me have to shift in my seat.

I laughed as I heard Kyla laugh before I answered her. "Well Black Nine, I'm having a bit of girl trouble myself."

"Oh do tell, Black Leader."

"I don't think it's an appropriate conversation for open comms."

"Oh well we wouldn't want the great Commander Dameron, Black Leader of the Black Squadron to do anything inappropriate, would we?" Kyla's voice was a low flirty whisper.

My cock strained against my flight suit as I pictured what I was going to do to her pretty little body when I got back to base. "Careful, Black Nine. You might just earn yourself a demerit."

"Mmmm." Kyla moaned into the mic on her end and if I wasn't on autopilot in hyperspace I might have veered off course. "I think it might be worth it."

I went silent as I imagined the room full of people around her. I knew she was talking low and most likely had the speaker to the room off. "Can anyone else hear me Black Nine?"

"Not since you said you had girl trouble, Black Leader."

"So if I said I wished you were on your knees in front of me right now taking my cock between those pretty little lips, you'd be the only one who could hear me?" I asked her with an aggressive tone.

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