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Kyla POV -

My body jerked and I tried to scream for help but no sound came out. I fought with my body as I realized I was going to die. I needed to move. I needed to run but it seemed that my legs had decided that they would no longer work. My mind felt trapped as I watched the large bird swoop down again and again. Picking me up and dropping me before grabbing me again and cutting its talons into my flesh.

"Kyla...Kyla...KYLA!" Commander Ren's voice broke through my screams and I jerked awake.

I panted and tried to catch my breath as I felt his hand on my back. I was sweating but it was so cold on the ship that I was shivering. "Sorry."

"Same nightmare?"

"Yes." I scooted toward the edge of the bed and away from the Commander as I tucked myself back under the covers in the darkness of the Silencer.

It had been three days since the bird had tried to eat me and Commander Ren had been forced to save me. Seven had filled me in on everything that had happened. She hadn't left out a single detail from Ren using the Force to save my life and heal my wounds, even my arm, to him showering me and placing me in bed and holding me to make sure I didn't stop breathing. Seven was in love with Commander Ren and it pissed me off.

I had no intention of ever liking the Commander so I'd spent the last few days ignoring him. He'd taken my lead and ignored me right back thankfully. The first day after the bird attack I slept for most of it without getting out of the Commander's bed other than to use the refresher. Turns out that almost bleeding to death really takes it out of you even if the most powerful Force wielder in the galaxy uses his powers to heal you. Two days ago I laid out the parts and started drying them out in the sun on the rocks. That hadn't been very successful so yesterday I used Ren's hairdryer on them and now most of the parts were dried completely.

"It's sun up. I'll go find breakfast if you want to shower while I'm gone."

"Okay." I sighed as I closed my eyes and listened to the Commander as he got ready to go hunt or scavenge some food for breakfast.

When he closed the hatch behind him I climbed out of bed and rinsed off before quickly dressing in my pants and one of his shirts. I only had one outfit on the planet so I was more than happy to dirty and ruin Kylo Ren's clothes if I had an excuse to. Once I was dressed I gathered all the salvaged parts that were now dry and grabbed the broken homing beacon from the shelf.

Opening the hatch I lifted it and climbed out into the morning sun as it warmed the air around me. Seven waited for me to set everything down before I lifted her out to join me on the rocks before I sat down on the hard stone and began to work.

I took my time as I disassembled the transmitter and laid out all the pieces in front of me. Luckily I had a photographic memory and would be able to put it all back together with hopefully no issues. With Seven supervising I disassembled pieces I had gotten Commander Ren to get from my ship. When everything was spread out in front of me I picked the location transmitter and began to replace the damaged pieces one at a time.

"How's it going?" Commander Ren's modulated voice made me jump when he climbed up on the rock a couple of hours later.

"Good, almost done."

"Okay." The Commander dropped two dead rodents on the rocks before heading into his ship.

I paid him no mind when he came back out and started a fire near the edge where he had been cooking all of our meals. He'd asked me if I wanted to make anything but I had never cooked a day in my life so I passed. All my life I had been too busy with learning about technology and fixing things to be bothered with basic tasks like cooking. It helped that my mother had done most of it when someone else wasn't doing it for her.

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