Adenn Kurshi

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Kyla POV:

I tossed and turned for a few hours not really able to get much sleep. Seven sat in the corner watching the door. She wasn't happy about being on the Knights of Ren's ship. I was pretty sure she was even less happy than I was about the whole ordeal. With a sigh, I swung my legs over the side of the small bed and sat up. My sliced-up back was killing me as I leaned over and rested my elbows on my knees.

Commander Ren had given me his room on the ship to rest and I was grateful but cautious about it. His bed smelled like him and I hated it. I hated the way he had made me feel in the med bay earlier. Even if it had been the best orgasm I'd ever had in my life.

The fact that the Knights had been in evolved in any way was repulsive. How could someone manipulate another person like that? I was as least satisfied that Commander Ren seemed just as upset about the entire ordeal as I was. And that was a small consultation.

"Seven, want to go explore?"

"Boop, beep, beep, bop."

"I don't care if they mind. Fuck the Knights of Ren." I scoffed and stood up from the bed.

"Whurr, burr, beep, boop."

"If they mind me poking around their ship they can suck a dick."

Reaching for my bag that the Commander had left in his room for me I pulled out two pieces of the fruit from Dagobah and headed for the door. I was starving but I didn't plan on asking the Knights for anything. Even Cardo, the medic & armorer, who seemed to be the nicest, wasn't going to get more than a grunt or two out of me if I could help it.

"Let's go, Seven." I stepped toward the slanted wall that held the door and exited out onto the catwalk that circled the front end of the ship.

Everything was different shades of grey metal but a red hue was cast around the space thanks to the lights in the floors and ceilings. As I walked my boots made more noise than I would have liked on the metal platform that held the second level of cabins. Making my way left I peeked into a half-open door and found a storage room filled with broken ship parts. Taking a bite of my fruit I let the juice drip down my chin as I shoved the door open the rest of the way.

A rebel signet caught my eye and I pushed forward. The orange design had seen a lot of wear and tear. And the piece of metal it was painted on was clearly from an older model A-Wing from before I was even born. I turned right and scanned the room finding a black piece of metal with red paint and an Empirical Cog, laser etched into the surface. It was also older than I was by quite a bit.

"What are you doing?" Commander Ren's voice filled the small room.

I looked over my shoulder at him as he stood blocking the light with his massive frame. "Searching your ship."


"Curiosity to see how the Dark Side dwells." I shrugged and moved deeper into the storage room as I took another bite of my fruit.

"You packed fruit?"

"Yeah," I tossed the second one to him which he caught easily.

I was surprised when he disengaged the lock on his helmet and lifted the front up enough to take a bite. Juice flowed down his chin and into the scruff that he'd accumulated during our stranding on Dagobah. I had to turn away from him quickly and resist the urge to lick his strong jaw clean.

It would be a lie to say the incident in the med bay hadn't affected me. It had. I wanted Kylo Ren to fuck me. I had a carnal urge to drop to my knees for him and then let him crush my body into any surface. But I could never act on that more than I already had. Enormous amounts of guilt filled my soul as it was. I'd cheated on Poe, at least that's what it felt like. And when I got home I'd tell him everything and not blame him when he left me due to my indiscretions. Force powers or not. What I'd allowed to happen had been wrong.

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