A Vergence

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Kylo POV -

Climbing out of my ship my boots dropped down onto the soft ground around me. I knew where I was. Dagobah. I had been here before. It was one of the purest locations of the Force in the whole galaxy. The terrain was mostly swampy and filled with bogs, lakes, and lagoons. The jungles here were no joke either and held an array of creatures that would terrify a normal person. It was lucky for me that I wasn't fucking normal.

But if my Little Rebel had survived the crash landing of her X-wing then she would definitely be at risk to those carnivorous creatures. And I didn't pry her away from the Resistance to have her just get eaten on this fucking planet.

I reached into my Silencer and made sure the homing beacon was active. The signal was weak but it would do. I'd be here at least a couple of days as the Knights tracked me down but I looked on the bright side. A few days alone with my new pet would be the perfect time to bond. I snatched my commlink off of the floor of my ship and clipped it back around my wrist. The jolt of the crash had knocked it off but it still functioned just fine. Last I grabbed a holodisk and pulled up a radar map of the planet.

I stepped away from my broken ship and checked that my lightsaber was still in place on my hip. My helmet adjusted to the new climate quickly and it was easier for me to breathe with it on since the planet was always hot and humid. Holding the holodisk in front of me I scanned for any signatures. A red dot popped up and I knew that it could only be the Little Rebel's X-wing.

"Fuck." I cursed to myself in my helmet. It was almost half a day's walk to get to where she had crashed. Shaking my head I headed in the direction that the beacon was telling me to go. "Why couldn't you have crashed closer to your new Master, little one?"

Lucky for me I was in excellent shape and I made good time to the crash sight, getting there an hour before I thought I would. But when I got to my destination there was no wreckage in sight. I used my helmet's scanner to look for a heat signature and there was nothing. I turned in a circle and something flickered on the screen.


Pulling my helmet off as quickly as I could I stripped down to just my undershorts, leaving my uniform and cloak discarded on the shore of the lake. I was an excellent swimmer and I waded out as far as I needed to before diving under the surface. I could see a green beacon light below the surface of the water but it was far out and down. Surfacing when I was right above the light I looked back at the shore where everything I had on me lay in a pile. It wasn't a far distance, if she had made it out of the X-wing she could have easily swum to shore.

I focused and took a deep breath, using the planet's energy field to channel the Force and give me strength. I flipped and dived straight down until I reached the wrecked ship that lay on the bottom of the lake. It wasn't as deep as I thought it would be, the water was just dark and murky. I felt my way along the nose until I reached the cock pit. The glass was shattered leaving jagged edges with smears of blood along them. But the cockpit was empty and the belt was cut. She had made it out.

I sighed internally with relief and reached above my head to swim up when the green light caught my eye. It wasn't coming from the ship itself but from the little astromech that was always with my Little Rebel. BB-9e. I smiled as the droid showed signs of life. He'd help me track her down and then she'd have to talk to me for rescuing her little droid friend.

When I had engaged her in battle and taken over her comms I had heard how affectionately she had spoken to Seven, as she called the droid. She held a strong attachment to the little guy. It wasn't something I hadn't really seen since R2.

The blue and white droid flashed through my memory and my chest tightened slightly. But I didn't have time to reminisce about my childhood right now so I pushed the thoughts away and buried them deep within me.

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