LOST BOY: sweet hill

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[boseph, 17]

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[boseph, 17]


It's third hour when Remy hears footsteps in the hallway stop at the door of the classroom. He lifted his head from its resting position on the desk to see Sage standing there. He had on headphones and his backpack. For Remy, it was like seeing him before the accident— he wasn't sure if this was a dream or if Sage had really returned to school.

Mrs. Radabaugh looked over at the young man and smiled, waving him over to her desk where they spoke softly as the rest of the class continued their silent reading. Remy, however, was watching Sage. As if he could feel eyes on him, Sage turned his head, making eye contact with Remy while he spoke to the teacher. It's been at least three months since Sage has stepped foot in the school aside from the meeting he attended with Damien and Principal Brewster yesterday.

Remy's eyes grew with anticipation as Sage walked over to his desk, but was interrupted by by someone very familiar coming into the classroom, calling him over. Amir.

Remy POV

The way he looked at Remy boiled my blood instantly. "Mrs.Radabaugh, could I go to the restroom?"

She nodded her head and I sped up as soon as I crossed the doorway. I caught them just after the corner, taking Sage's arm asking if we could talk for a minute.

Having him up against the lockers while I stood over him as we talked brought back memories of seeing him daily. I miss the old days when he and I were inseparable and in love. These days, I'm not so sure if he still feels the same way I do. I looked down the hall as Sage talked, noting that Amir was still watching us. Even as I looked his way, instead of averting his eyes, he stared into mine. Ugh.

"So I'll see you after school then?" I responded to Sage, earning a nod as his chin rose so our lips were leveled to each other's. His tongue tasted like ginger and raspberries. He must be on another detox. Even when the world is crumbling around him, Sage always takes care of himself. I think it's a coping mechanism— Honestly, the healthiest one I've ever witnessed. Our fingertips held on seconds too long as our hands separated in his departure.

In my head I said I love you, but in reality, I just watched as the two walked further down the hall and into the Adult Ed wing entrance.  Something in me felt as though this day was the start of something new. And not in a good way.

Ny texted me once I came back into the classroom telling me to chill out. I mugged her across the room before texting her back reminding her of who that guy was, like she needed a reminder. Neither of us could ever forget his name, I know there's no way she could've forgotten that quickly.

When I was a freshman here, Amir was a Junior and an athlete. He was somewhat like Sage is now, in danger of not graduating on time, but his reason wasn't so humble. He just hated school. Scratch that, he loved school, he hated academia.  At school, he had everything he needed— friends, fun, sports, and ass. Sad to say, I was among the later. Yep, we had a thing. A secret thing, but a thing nonetheless. The point is, I know his tricks. I know the type of dudes he preys on.

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