LOST BOY: it's whatever

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I woke up to thunderous rain outside of the window. It was beating down on the roof so loud that it caused a steady beat and the wind rattled the windows. I searched the bed for my phone then remembered I left it in my backpack all the way on the other side of the room. Remy's phone was on the chair by the bed though. I climbed over him to grab his phone to check the time and saw he had a few recent messages. I ignored it at first, only checking the time which is the reason I grabbed it in the first place— not to snoop. But it's four in the morning and the text was sent only twenty minutes ago.

I argued with myself for a few moments and decided to put it back on the chair where I found it. But, I couldn't go back to sleep after that, so I got up to go to the bathroom. When I came back, I laid beside Remy, and my mind kept going back to the text message.

It could be from anybody. It could be from his mom. I convinced myself. It's probably from his mom. I nodded. She does work midnights. She's probably just checking on him. I agreed with myself and turned over, with a view of the rain through Remy's curtainless, open window. I watched the rain through the darkness of the night, the street lights illuminating the drops as they fell from the sky.

I felt him moving and then his arms around me. "Why are you up?" He mumbled, groggily. I didn't answer. He sat up, then the area around us lit up from his phone screen. "The hell?" He cursed lowly. He got up from the bed and left the room with his phone and my suspicions grew until I heard him calling his sister's name.

He came back into the room, "didn't we hear my sister come in?"

"Yeah, like around 8."

"Right. Let me go see if she's in the basement or something."

"What do you mean? I don't have a fucking car. How did you get out there?" I heard him talking loudly from the front of the house. I got up and started putting my clothes on. He came back into the room with his hands out. "I gotta go pick my sister up from some party way out. Her friends snuck her out and they left her. She's stranded and I don't know anybody close enough that has a car except-

"The nigga down the road?" I raised my brows, cutting him off. He nodded his head. He went to put on pants and a hoodie and came back, "you coming with me?" I nodded my head, grabbing my backpack.

We stood on the front porch of one of the nicer homes in the neighborhood. He knocked on the door softly repeatedly. "Can't nobody hear that shit, Remy."

"It's four am. I'm not tryna be rude."

I rolled my eyes and banged on the door with both my fists. Seconds later some footsteps were heard running down the stairs and lights came on. The door opened and revealed who I assumed to be the nigga Remy was with earlier.

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