LOST BOY: rigamarole pt. two

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[lou, 18]

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[lou, 18]


"So you're saying you did not want to fuck him?" Nyia asked Remy, "Nigga, do you know how dumb you sound?" He just looked at her. "Be forreal. What's wrong?"

Remy shrugged.

"Well, I'm going to be here for you no matter what. But, I can't not tell you when you're wrong. I can't do that because I love you Orem. I'mma always be real with you."

"I know that."

"Alright. Good. You need to talk to Sageon. Be honest. About everything. Lou. And Amir. Tell him your truth so he can understand you better."

"I know you're trying to help, but I can't do this shit right now. And I'm not doing that shit. It don't have nothing to do with him and it's my business. This is High school, Ny. It's not going to last forever. It's all over in a matter of months from now. If we break up, it won't even matter in a year."

"So that's your solution. Break up with Sageon?" Nyia shrugged dramatically, multiple times, "You're going to do that, why? So you can be free to have sex with whomever whenever? You tried that before and you ended up in all that shit with Amir. Your memory is that fucked?"

"My memory is great. That's why I think I'm just going to break up with him. He's not gonna want me back after he finds out anyway."

"How do you know that?"

"Because that's my man. I know him."

"My man my man my man. Do you care that your man is gonna be heartbroken either way? Can you live with that Remy?"


"Then fucking do something."

"Like what Nyia? I can't change the past."

"Okay, great." She pinched her lips together with low eyes, "I'm going to go to class then. You coming?"

He nodded his head, standing up. The bell rang as they re-entered the man hall. "Wait." She stopped him, holding onto his arm, "Do you love Sage? It's okay if you don't. It's cool if you do. But, I love Sage so you will not just play with him. Not saying that you are. Just make up your mind." They started walking again. "Before you talk to him." She added.

"Thank you for being supportive. I know you're holding back."

She smirked, their understanding of one another was what made them such good friends. She reached out and hugged him. The two of them parted ways afterwards, going to class. But, Remy wasn't going to class. He waited for his bestie to disappear before going back towards the athletics wing. He went to his locker, sat his bag there and rested on the bench until all the other athletes had emptied out. Then, he walked farther back into the locker room where he hoped he'd find Lou. When he turned the corner though, there was no one.

Turning back around, he bumped into someone. "Looking for me?" Lou asked, stepping back.

"How does my best friend know about what happened at the party?"

"Probably the same way everyone else knows." Lou shrugged.

"What do you mean EVERYONE ELSE?"

"I been trying to tell you how fucking popular you are. I guess you're really about to find out just how popular that is."

"So, everybody knows."

Lou nodded his head slowly. "And I'm honestly so sorry about that."

I don't believe that. Remy thought to himself, going over the events of the past few days. He's not sorry. He probably wanted this shit to happen.

"But, you wanted to do it."

"Don't come around me no more. I shoulda known your weird ass was up to something."

"Damn, I'm weird now?" Lou chuckled.

"What they be saying is true ain't it? I should've known better." He scoffed, "I knew better."

"I'm not like that. Don't." He started turning red. "Okay. Whatever. I won't talk to you no more."

"The fuck you finna cry for?"

Lou shook his head. He grabbed his bag and turned, about to walk away.


"You can leave me alone, Remy. I guess they were right about you too." He said, walking away.

"Remy Bowman."


"My office?"

"Sorry Coach, i'm late for class." He said, jogging past his Coach, leaving the locker room. He ran after Lou, catching him before he entered the hall. "Hold up."

Lou turned around, not looking at Remy.

"I'm just super confused and conflicted."

"So that means you cant treat me however? You was acting totally different yesterday. Hugging me and shit. Now i'm a whore."

"I didn't mean that."

"Nigga you meant that shit. I know what everybody says about me. That's what you were talking about. That's what you said the first time you came to my hotel room. But that shit isn't true and this is the third time that i'm saying this to you. At this point, I don't even want to talk to you no more."

Remy huffed. He got closer to Lou who was losing his whits. Remy put his hand behind his head, "I apologize, Lou." He shook his head, looking into his eyes. "I know that's not you. But, it's hard hearing all the noise."

"You're in a relationship." Lou said softly.

"But who am I with right now?" He asked, their faces not even an inch apart.

"You blame me." Lou offered, "And when he finds out, you're going to put it all on me. I don't want to be the villain, Remy."

"We had sex." Remy said, looking deep into Lou's eyes. He leaned in, kissing Lou beside his mouth then waiting for Lou to react. He did. Lou kissed him back, on his lips. "I know we shouldn't have did it but I don't want you to feel like I regret hooking up. I don't."

"Then why—"

"Hey, I said I don't regret it." He pulled away, "But I am still in a relationship. A very public relationship."

Lou closed his eyes, breathing slowly and controlled. "I gotta go to class." He mumbled, walking down the hall. Remy stood there, not knowing what was going to happen next or even what he wanted to happen next. Realizing he needed some advice, he doubled back to his coach's office.



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