LOST BOY: nigga, i'll slap the shit out you

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amir, 20]

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amir, 20]


A sharp pain shot through my belly as i left the dining hall knowing i shouldn't have eaten that salisbury steak, but i was hungry as hell. I walked over to the vending machines to get a ginger ale hoping it might settle my stomach. But, once i turned the corner, i saw a tall darkskinned nigga shaking the machine.

"Fucking bitch." He kicked the machine, turning to walk away but stopped when he saw me standing there.  "Remy Bowman." He shook his head. "I heard you met my big brother." He scratched his head. "Sorry about that. Let me give you my number. Next time just call me because that nigga hate for me to have friends."

"Nah, im good." I walked past him to the vending machine i know works. I could feel his presence next to me. He was leaning up against the other machine when i looked over.

"I said i'm sorry."

"Apology accepted." I said, grabbing my drink and walking away. I went to class and took my usual seat in the back corner. It's Monday. Monday's are only hard for me because unlike the rest of my classmates who party and drink and have charcuterie on the weekends, I sleep—A-lot. Alright, alright, i might chill with Ny and her boyfriend, maybe kick it with my boyfriend, but thats not every weekend. Anyway, it feels amazing to sleep all weekend, but getting back on schedule is ass. I had my head on top of my books that i'd stacked to the perfect height and was half asleep when i saw a shadow on the floor beside me.

"Did you party too hard this weekend mister Bowman?"

I rolled my eyes, sitting up in my seat. I looked up at him and he handed me a pink slip. "I'll see you in after-hours." He said with a half smile.

"I got practice."

He shrugged, "You also have a C minus in my class. I've seen you do better. We can talk after class." I sighed, taking my phone out to text my coach when I saw i had a message from Sage asking if we could meet up after lunch. Damn, that was about an hour ago. I thought to myself, texting him back an apology for missing his message. Just then, Nyia texted me asking if I knew someone named Boseph. I sighed again and it turned into a yawn. I looked over to the other side of the classroom where Boseph sat and he was yawning too. I immediately remembered one time when Sage yawned and I yawned after him and he said it meant we were connected or in sync or something like that. It's all cool when it's yo nigga or a family or friend, but when it's a dude you're slowly developing a crush on but it isn't serious because you're already in a relationship and you told your boyfriend he wouldn't have to worry about this dude, it's kind of a problem. But, it was just a yawn.

"You couldn't text me back, nigga?" Nyia asked me, walking with me down the hall after class. I shrugged.

"Mr.Karrington been on my ass. I'm about to miss a practice because of him."

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