LOST BOY: that is a violation

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[raquel, 17]

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[raquel, 17]


It was Tuesday night. Remy was done with practice; Sageon was sitting in the parking lot of the school in Davion's car. He was there to meet up with Remy. It was a surprise. The night before, he kept reading the text Remy sent, 'I would never hurt you' and he was starting to feel guilty about what he said to him and talking about him behind his back with Don and Nyia. He knew eventually Nyia was going to tell him about their conversation because he's her best friend. He wanted to make sure that he got to Remy first.

The side door of the school athletics dept opened and tall muscular teenagers began pouring out in sweats, carrying duffle bags and gear. He watched, waiting for his boyfriend to show his face and when he finally appeared, he wasn't alone.

Remy walked side by side with a tall, muscular, shirtless nigga with a big ass white smile and curly hair. Ssgeon didn't recognize the guy and felt his stomach drop instantly. It was as if he could feel the connection the two had; a connection that must've been growing in his absences. The two hugged, lasting longer than Sage felt it should and without thinking, he honked the horn, and rolled down the window. "Babe!" He called out, getting Remy's attention. Remy didn't come running. He waved and turned back to the dude he had hugged and continued talking for a few more moments. He hugged him again before walking to the car.

Sage watched the handsome boy walk to his own car while Remy settled into the passenger seat.

"When did you start driving?" He asked Sageon, watching him watch Lou.

Sage didn't look at Remy when he answered, "Davion been taught me." Pulling out of the parking lot, he began driving down the road towards Remy's house.

"So, what did you get into last night?" He asked Remy who was suddenly smiling into his phone.

"Um, just chilled at the house."



"I was looking for you. I wanted to talk."

[sage pov]

"Well, you got me now." He put his phone down on his lap, looking at me with his undivided attention. It made me nervous. "So, what we talking about?"

"Um, you." I sighed, "Your text. Our conversation the other night. My feelings about your behavior."

"My behavior?" He scoffed.

I nodded slowly, getting more nervous by the second and it seemed his glare was intensifying.

"What about my behavior, Sageon? What does that mean?"

I pulled up at a red light and closed my eyes for a few seconds, trying to calm my self. I let out a breath, looking towards him before going at the green. "I just feel like, and I'm saying this with love baby, you're, you've been mad aggressive lately and I just get anxious when you get like that. Granted, it's only been like two or three times forreal but, I don't like feeling uncomfortable around you. You supposed to be my safe space baby."

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