LOST BOY: sister friend

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[raquel, 17]

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[raquel, 17]

The school day was half wasted in thoughts. Remy was stuck in his head. So much so that when lunch time came around, he realized he hadn't done a single thing today but think. He opened the cafeteria door only to be pushed back out into the hallway by his sister who looked calm on the outside, but Remy knew she was still mad at him.

She held his hand, guiding him to the art hallway where the exit led to the enclosed grassy area behind the auditorium. The only secluded spot on campus which no one really knew about. She stood up against the brick wall and took a deep breath.

"I have to tell you something." She started. "I went to the party."

"What party?"

"The kickback at Lou's house. He invited me."

"You know him?"

She shrugged, "Who doesn't?"

Remy rolled his eyes, shaking his head.

"What?" She asked, "I hate you right now, but I also hate what's happening to you even more."

"Nothing's happening to me, Raq. It's actions and consequences. Just like ma always tells us."


"Raquel, I don't want to talk about this with you. I knew you would hear about it, but I really don't wanna talk to you about it."

"You don't deserve what you're feeling."

Remy's eyebrows collided in confusion, "You don't know what i'm feeling."

"Well can you tell me?" She asked wholeheartedly. When he didn't say anything, she stepped forward, "I'm always there, Remy. We are in this world together. Okay? Not even a year apart, we might as well be twins. We were in moms womb at the same time even though we were in different sacs and different ages, it doesn't matter, we're wildly connected. You're always there for me. Even when it's inconvenient for you. Let me be here."

He rolled his eyes and started pacing. He let out a heavy sigh. "I like him."

His sister, shocked side eyed the air. "Who?"

"Him." He stuck out his heck for emphasis, fearing someone may be listening from somewhere.

"Like. Like a crush?"

Remy shrugged, "It's too fast." He shook his head, "How can I like him?"

"You've literally known him for like three years."

"I never spoke to him though."

"So, how do you know?"

"Raq." He suddenly became serious. He paused dramatically. "Don sent me a video." He emphasized the issue with the wideness of his eyes, "You haven't watched it have you?"

She shook her head wildly, "Ew! Absolutely not. No." He looked at her, unconvinced. "I didn't watch it." She reassured him, recognizing the anxiety in his face. "I'm really sorry about everything. I haven't been perfect myself and I've been expecting you to be." He nodded, not listening to anything she was saying, just happy she didn't see the video.  "Dad called me this morning." She informed, "He's coming to get us tonight. All of us, to put us in a hotel while he gets a security system installed at the house."

"We don't need his help, Raq. We have somewhere to stay for now."

"Yeah, we did." He glared at her, "You would really feel comfortable staying at Sageon's house?" She quizzed him.

"It's not about me or Sage. They offered, so we'll stay. Plus, mom doesn't know and she doesn't have to."

"Well, Dad is still picking us up from school. He already knows you don't have practice today. And," she paused for dramatic emphasis, "maybe it's a good idea to give Sage space until things cool down a bit." She shrugged, looking at him for agreement. But, he was quiet, thinking.

"So, mom called him?" He asked.

Raq nodded.

"Do you think she told him everything or just the break in?"

"Well, he was short. Just checking in on me and since he didn't ask about you, I'm assuming he knows everything and will be calling you soon." She poked her lips out after speaking. "But?" She added as she thought about it more, "Maybe this will make him realize how much we do need him around."

"We don't need him Raquel."

"Well, I do. And mom does. I don't like seeing her work day in and day out. She didn't have to do that when daddy was around. I miss hanging out with her. That's literally my bestie. And it isn't like you're easy to find."

"Well you seem to find me all the time." He pinched his lips together.

She rolled her eyes. "Did you eat yet?"

"No. That's what I was about to do when you snatched me up."

"Well, I wouldn't go in there. They have the Salisbury Steak again." She frowned, "Let's go to the corner store." As they walked through the halls to get to an exit, conversations quieted as they passed, whispers were heard and people stared. At one point, they even walked past Lou who was at his locker trying his best not to look at the duo. Once they finally were back outdoors, Raquel let out a breath she felt like she'd been holding for hours. She looked at her brother who seemed to be deep in thought.

"At least he's fine." Raq smirked to herself. Remy slyly smiled too, agreeing. "I mean, Sage is cute too." She rocked her head from side to side. "What if you'd met Lou first?"

"Where is this coming from?"

"I don't know. Lou is different. I think y'all would be cute."

"Don't put that shit in my head." He mildly frowned.

"See, this is why you should talk to me more often. I fucking know you so bad." She pointed excitedly.

Remy pursed his lips, rolling his eyes.

"You like him. Alot. Or it wouldn't even be bothering you like this."

"That's not true."

"It is." She said matter-of-factly. Then whispered, "It's not like this is the first guy."

Remy's face nearly turned ash white.

"I'm not an idiot, Orem. I notice everything."

"You never said anything."

"I never had to. It was never a big deal like this time. I mean, you must really like him because you weren't discreet or secretive at all which means he has your guard down."

"Raquel. You—" he didn't even know what to say. It wasn't that she was wrong about him cheating but he was shook that someone had known this whole time. Not even Nyia knew. He never talked about it to anybody. It was his secret. His insecurity.

"It's fine. I've never told anyone and I never will." She said nonchalantly. "I'm probably just gonna grab some hot fries and a gatorade." She added. He nodded, mind blank. He wasn't sure if he should be embarrassed or relieved.

July 4, 2023

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