LOST BOY: Honest

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[sage, 18]

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[sage, 18]

The moon had come out before these teens were finally gathered at the interscope of the infamous White House, knocking against the back door. Donovan stood ahead as the buffer— behind him was the order of Raquel, Geneva then Sageon. As the door opened, light illuminated the crew on the porch.

"Here for Honest. He's expecting us."

"What's your name?"

Don smacked his teeth at his colleague trying to embarrass him in front of his 'friends'. The man smirked, dapping Don as he invited them in. Don was already nervous because he was bringing folks into a part of his world he never talks about.

"What up lil bro?" Honest stood from the couch where he was seated with a man whose presence gagged the guests. They stood, quiet, wide eyed and shocked. Honest looked behind him to find that Lou was stuck in a gaze towards the group of teens. He gestured between them. "What? Y'all know each other?"

Don walked up to Honest, breaking the tension with a smile, "Nah, everything's cool. We go to school together." He told him while embracing the tall, built man. He nodded to Lou, "Lou, What's good?" He asked, putting his hand out.

Lou took his hand, sliding their fingers into a hook and letting go, but stayed quiet.

"Honest." Honest introduced himself as he approached the rest of the group.

"Oh yeah, uh." Don started, "That's Raq, her friend Geneva and my homeboy Sage."

Honest nodded at the motley crew before returning to his seat which was very close to a usually coy Lou who was now, instead, embarrassed by his own position up under Honest's arm, being cuddled by him. Although Lou and Don both work for Honest, their different capacities never required a crossing of paths which is why even now, Don doesn't know the meaning of his presence. Not knowing, however, didn't not prevent him from using his context clues to figure out his purpose.

"So I told you over the phone what the situation was." Don started but was cut off by a heavy, irritated sigh from Honest. The eighteen year old boy tried settling the muscles in his face to not show his own regression. "I— you said you got me."

"Yeah I did. But what you got for me?" He asked, looking past the two young ladies, at Sage who flinched at the piercing of the man's eyes.

"Honest," Don took a few steps to block Sage from the man's line of vision. "It's either you can or you can't. I hate to waste time, you know that."

"Well shit, this a waste of my time nigga. You done brought little underaged kids into my house where you know I do whatever the fuck I want." He went off causing Lou to read Don, finding fascinating ideas. "Now you think you're going to be the one to tell me, Honest, what I should and should not do? I get what the hell I want. Whenever the hell I want it. Now what's your name again pretty?" He asked, waving Don away who didn't budge. "Move nigga."

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