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[sageon, 18]

Damien was stopped at the door by his little brother and pulled over on the side of the porch. He looked at his brother, irritated by the interruption but hid it. "What?" He asked. "You aight?"

"This is some grown up shit."

Damien nodded.

"Can you look out for him? Convince him not to do anything dumb."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Dame. I met the guy he works for and he— he was weird. Weird like Uncle Jon Jon weird." Sage raised his eyebrows for emphasis. "Weird like—" he paused, "weird like Amir." He admitted for the first time. "But worse."

Damien cleared his throat, dabbing his mouth with the back of his hand. He blinked hard, repeatedly, looking away from his brother. "Why the hell didn't you tell me?"

"I thought you might just know." He mumbled, looking at the car, seeing that Don was watching them, seemingly impatient.

"I thought it, but I — I guess I." He stopped, turning red. "I gotchu, Sage. Go in the house and don't let nobody else in unless it's Remy's mom. We gonna drop off Remy sister and her friend."

"Don't make me stay here by myself, Dame."

"You can't come."

"I never said I wanted to." Sage argued.

"Mom is here."

"Okay." Sage stayed, still waiting for something else.

"Sage—" he started but was cut off by the two girls coming out of the house. They looked at one another, awkwardly, until the girls walked past, leading themselves to Don's car.

"I'll look out for Don. But I can't say what imma do to that weird nigga when I see him."

"Maybe this is all just a bad idea."

Dame shook his head.

"Maybe we should just call it all off."

"At some point, Sageon, you gotta stop being ok with niggas not getting whats due to them. I don't  like that shit about you. But you young. You'll figure it out." He chastised him, "And by the way, that boyfriend of yours gotta go."

"Who the fu-"

"I'll be back soon." He cut him off, walking doen the steps of the porch. He turned back, "I love you bro."

"Love you too Dame."

Sage waited for the car to pull off before closing and locking the front door. His phone dinged in his pocket and he took it out.

Remy to Sage

I'm staying here.  My mom called, saying she told him its a good idea.

She dgaf

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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