LOST BOY: the fog clears eventually p2

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[lou, 18]

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[lou, 18]


Remy sat in the locker room staring at his phone with the text thread between him and Sageon opened. He had a message typed, " I would never hurt you." and was staring at it, erasing it and typing it over. This time, his thumb hovered over the blue circle with the arrow in it but pressed the grey arrow with the 'x' in it instead, deleting the message again. He grumbled, "Why should I even have to say that shit?". standing up, he punched his locker then looked around to see if anyone else was there to hear his outburst in the seemingly empty locker room.

He was early so the locker room was seemingly empty. He skipped class because he couldn't focus on anything but trying to conceptualize why Sage would ever feel like he needed to ask him not to ever hit him. Sitting back on the bench, he heard Coach Q yell from his office at the front of the locker room, "Whoever it is go to class!" He stayed quiet, hoping Coach would think it was just a bump of something falling. But, when Coach Q didn't get a response or see anyone walk by, he went looking. Walking down the long corridor, he finally reached where Remy was in the later half of the mens locker room.

He huffed, "Bowman." He shook his head, "I wish I could say I'm surprised but with the week you've been having I might as well expect for you to add playing hookie to your resume." He stood, waiting for Remy to respond, but he didn't. He barely even looked in the direction of Coach Q. "What's going on with you Bowman? You haven't missed a single practice in the four years you've been playing for me. Yet in a few days you've missed two. Once of those times you've never even addressed with me. Yesterday you fought a teacher. "

"He's not a teacher."

"An authority figure in this building." He nodded aggressively, "Are you alright?"

"I'm just tired."

"All this because you need a nap?" He asked, not buying it, "If there's something going on? Something not right at home.. what ever it is you need to come to me and let me know so I can see what I can do to help. That's what I'm here for, son."

"I'm not your son."

He was getting ready to leave the locker room when his coach stopped him trying another approach but Remy wasn't in the mood to talk, "I'm going home. I don't feel like playing today." He said, walking away.

"You can't miss tonight's game. Your guy from the Montanago is coming tonight.You know you're on their list."

"I already told you I'm not going to that school!" He yelled, snatching his bag up from the bench.

Coach Q rubbed his temples, "You know what? Maybe you do need to go home. Take a night off, get some rest. Then tomorrow, you come back refreshed and motivated to lead the team in practice, Team Captain."

"And what if I don't come tomorrow?"

"Then you're off the team."

"Okay then, I qu-"

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