24 : Just When Things Got Better...

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Things are getting better and sweeter day by day. Youn and Rae are rekindling the moments they left behind, spending much time together. Every morning, he picks her up from home and takes her to work, and then back home again. And of course, he brings her carnations every morning, which makes Rae feel happy and loved.

As for Cole and Taylor, things are improving too. They are getting closer, especially after clearing up all the misunderstandings that happened between them. Just like Youn and Rae, they spend time together as well. They even go on triple dates with Mint too. Yes, the boy finally found the courage to confess his feelings to the girl of his dreams, Julie. And surprisingly, Julie had a long-term crush on Mint too! So, that's how a cute couple was born.

Speaking of love, Jazz and Joe are also bitten by the love bug. They too join the lovesick club, making it a summer full of love.

Under their favorite tree, Rae caresses Youn's hair while he lays his head on her lap. It's the spot where Youn gets inspiration for his paintings. Rae feels a sense of familiarity from the first time she came here with him.


"Yes, love?" he looks at her, captivated by the woman who makes him go crazy.

"Do you love me?"

"Of course... Why wouldn't I? You are my everything," says Youn, kissing Rae's belly, making her giggle.

"It tickles!" she protests playfully.

"You didn't complain about that last night.." he pouts, teasing her about their intimate moment from the previous night.

"Just be serious, okay?" says Rae. Youn sits up and faces her, his expression serious. He lovingly kisses her, and they pull away.

"Have I ever not been serious at all? Tell me?" he asks, his tone sincere. Rae looks into his eyes, reassured by his serious demeanor.

"Would you love me, even at my worst? Even with my flaws? Even if one day I can't make you feel complete?" she asks, feeling vulnerable. Youn furrows his brow, his heart aching at her words. He caresses her cheek gently.

"I already feel complete when you came back into my life. Never have I felt complete like this before. Don't say things like that, okay? I love you for who you are, flaws and imperfections included. I'm not a greedy person. You being here with me is enough," he confesses, pouring his love out to her. Rae is his sunshine, his everything. Youn would do anything for her.

"I hope you can keep your words," she says softly.

"Of course, my love. Who else can handle me like you do? I don't think any other woman can put up with my temper, my lazy mode... Only you have the patience to understand me," says Youn. Rae smiles, ruffling his hair affectionately. He really isn't that bad. Sometimes he just wants to be pampered by her, hence his cute and pouty behavior. But that doesn't mean he is a rough person.

"Of course I can handle you! If I can handle those two beagles, that means I am capable of handling you. I mean, they are loud and noisy... I think you are just a more mature version of them. And remember, I am older than you. So, I am a little wiser than you," Rae teases, poking her head playfully to show her "mature" brain to Youn. They both share a lighthearted moment, cherishing their love and the happiness they've found in each other's arms.

"Two years is not a huge gap. Sometimes you act like you're younger than me. So, it's fair for both of us," says Youn. Rae gives him a sharp glare.

"I. Did. Not!"

"Yes, you do.."

"You gotta proof?"

"Well, remember yesterday when we argued about ice cream?" Youn raises an eyebrow. Rae pouts, looking like a sulking child.

"Fine, yes! You should know that I hate chocolate!" Rae complains.

"You should have told me earlier.."

"You should remember it!"

"Love, how can I remember every little detail? It's been ten years, and we only dated for a few months before we were apart from each other," Youn calmly explains. He looks at Rae and intertwines his fingers with hers.

"But you never forgot about me.."

"Should you be grateful for that, hmm?" He playfully put his forehead close to Rae's.


"You should be my teacher. Teach me about yourself again, so I can remember and cherish the moments. Am I right?" As much as Rae wants to argue back, she can't deny that everything Youn told her is true. They were a couple back then, but the only things she can remember are the carnations and the song.

"Okay then... when can we start our lesson, my beloved student?" Rae teases him.

"How about tonight... are you ready, teacher?" Rae lightly smacks his shoulder. Youn yelps and laugh, then playfully tickled her, making her laugh even harder.

"Stop it, Youn! I can't breathe!" she yells between laughs. He hugs her tightly and showers her with kisses.

Such a sweet evening for the couple!


The next day.

Every morning is a lovely morning since Youn came back into her life. Rae is not a dancer, but now she almost dances every morning, making nice hopping and popping movements every time she wakes up from bed.

She checks herself into the mirror. Her face glows with love and happiness. She couldn't help but smile. She never smiled like this for the past five years, not even when she received a diamond for her birthday.

She walks happily to the kitchen. Taylor and Mint left just a few moments ago, and she has another two hours before work. She makes herself a mug of coffee, of course, for the caffeine booster. Then she prepares some simple breakfast for two.

Youn will be arriving soon, and of course, the big baby wants to have some breakfast. That baby will turn into a dragon if his stomach is empty. So, before he burns down the whole school compound, she takes some precautions first.

Her phone rings. Rae glances at the caller ID.

It's Joe. She picks it up.

"Well, did angels fall from the sky? What's the thought of calling me at this hour, Joe?"

"Where are you now?"

"Home. Youn will come and pick me up soon.."

"Rae.. there's something that I need to tell you.." then she hears the doorbell ring.

"Joe, I need to go now. We can talk about this later, okay? Youn is here.."

"But.." She hangs up the call, quickly running towards the front door. Geez, she feels like she should have given him a key to her house so she won't waste much time opening the door for him!

"Baby.. why are you so early today...?" She opens the door and freezes. Her jaw hangs open, and her heart drops. She feels numb. All of a sudden, she feels dizzy.

And she knows from now on, it's gonna be a long freaking day.

"Hi, Raehannah...."

"Ja... Jack.."

And the guy gives her a big hug.

"I missed you so much... My wife..."

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