Part 17

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Part 17

Sang's POV

Me, have a crush on Uncle? Ha ha. He is so old. And the eccentric grey beard doesn't do it for me. No! I like my nine guys and only my nine guys.

We went into the living room and they sat on the couch. Gabe on the left, Luke in the middle and Nathan on the right. Gabe pulled me to his lap and I stretched my legs over Luke with my feet on Nathan. This is very comfortable.

"Ok, so you couldn't tell us what superhero you picked for everyone with Uncle around, but now it is just us. We want to know who is what superhero and why." Luke looked curious.

"I didn't come up with all of them on my own. I had input from Nathan when we were playing Grand Theft Auto." I stated.

"S**t, just tell us." Meanie griped.

"Well, you Meanie, are Dare Devil. Because you dare to go against the norm and you do it with flare. And I call you Meanie and the Devil is mean. So, Dare Devil." I was smiling and looking into those beautiful crystal blue eyes. I could go swimming in those pools.

"Thanks Trouble. It is an interesting choice. But I like it." He said thoughtfully.

"And I already agreed that Luke is the only one who looks like Thor with the long blonde locks." I was looking at Luke as I said this. Joy written all over my face.

"That's because only I could pull off this awesomeness." He said pointing to his gorgeous head of hair.

"And Honey picked his own I think. But I agreed. Flash fits him. He is always going out for a run and he has red hair and Flash is dressed in red." While I said this, Nathan was smiling and giving my foot a little squeeze.

"I know who I am." He said without a doubt. I giggled.

"This whole superhero conversation began when I was with Dr. Green and he asked me who he was. That was a little tough for me. My first thought was Dr. Strange because it was the first Doctor Superhero name I could think of, but Dr. Green is not strange. Then I remembered Dr. Fate. And a conversation Dr. Green and I had once was about how fate played a role in our meeting." I shrugged my shoulders. It might hurt one of the guys feelings if I told them Sean thinks we are destiny babies. I don't want anyone thinking I choose one of them over the other.

"That's cool. I like it." Luke smiled and spoke reassuringly.

"You guys said North was the Hulk because of his temper and I just agreed with you."

"F**k yea, he is the Hulk!" Gabe chimed.

Just then the front door opened up and Silas and North came in. Silas crossed the room in three big strides and scooped me up into a Silas hug. These hugs really are the best. They make my day. "What have you been up to Aggele Mou?"

"I learned to parallel park with Mr. B, I drove Dr. Green to the hospital, I made rounds with him, Nathan picked me up and I drove us to his place, we played Xbox, we went to the diner to eat with Uncle, then came here." Giving him the rundown of my day.

"You've been busy today Sang Baby. What did Uncle feed you?" North questioned as he took me from Silas to give me a hug too.

"Prime rib, baked potato and asparagus." I listed.

"But only Sang and Luke were graced with his dessert." Nathan complained.

"F**king hell! Uncle knows better than to feed you desserts. They are not healthy for you." North grumbled.

"Sheesh North! They were chocolate dipped strawberries with four times as much strawberry as chocolate." Luke defended.

"Fine. How many did you get Baby?"

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