Part 19

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Part 19

Sang's POV

I have no idea how the guys will decide which one is to spend the time in the closet with me first, or even what order they go in, but they huddled for a moment while Silas scooped me in his lap.

He whispered in my ear, "Aggele, they would never do anything you didn't want to do. But if you are uncomfortable, just say so. North and I will make sure it doesn't happen."

"I know. Besides, the same rules apply from the last time I went into the closet with Luke. I am not too worried." I said to reassure him. But I was also trying to calm my own anxiety.

"I guess we are having some real 'teenage fun' then aren't we?" Luke teased as he leaned in and kissed my cheek. This caused me to giggle and relax a little.

"Miss Sorenson," Mr. B spoke up, "if you would be so kind as to join me, I believe we have some quiet time to attend to in a closet with our name on it." He held out his hand toward me. I noticed he was pinching his lips trying to hold back from smiling.

I nodded my head and took his hand as I stood up. Gabe and Luke started making ooo's and other cat calls as I left the room with Mr. B. I heard North's voice boom, "2 minutes."

We entered the guest bedroom that was on the first floor. And Mr. B opened the closet door. He flipped the light switch on and I looked at him. "I do not want to make you uncomfortable by forcing you in a closet. Usually at a party if you end up in a closet it is to have your way with someone else. I would like to just sit on the floor and hold you if you don't mind."

"Of course Mr. Blackbourne." I responded. He stepped into the closet behind me and shut the door. He sat down, cross legged, and pulled me down to sit sideways in his lap. One arm going around behind me and the other draped over my knees.

"You did a good job driving the last two days Miss Sorenson, but unfortunately that does not mean you can go apply for a license. You would have to have proof of a drivers education class with all the approved driving hours clocked, and you would have to have a parent present when you went to the Department of Motor Vehicles to get a license. Until you are 18 or your father manages to be present enough to do this for you, a license will not be possible. I did not want to get your hopes up about having a license and a car and freedom when they are not actually attainable at the present time."

"It's ok Mr. Blackbourne. I just wanted to know HOW to drive. This way, in case of an emergency, I will feel that I can do something." I responded.

He reached up with the hand that was on my knees and stroked my cheek with the back of his knuckle. "You are exquisite."

My skin heated under his touch and my heart about flipped out of my chest. I was staring into his gleaming silver eyes and lost all train of thought. He captivated me.

Without thinking I stretched up and placed a kiss on his cheek at the corner of his mouth. Involuntarily I closed my eyes as I was lost in the feel of his cheek on my lips. The hand that had been on my cheek traced down the side of my neck, across my shoulder and down my side. His hand stopped moving when he reached my waist.

I pulled away from kissing him and saw him smiling at me. Then he bent his head down next to my ear and whispered, "that kiss was perfect. I am going to kiss you now because I want to make you feel good."

He kissed me just on the corner of my mouth and it was perfect and sweet. He kept giving little kisses from the corner of my mouth to my ear and back toward my mouth. I think my brain short circuited. My hands grasped at his shirt in fists and I hung on for dear life. As he kissed back across my cheek to my ear he whispered again, "this skirt is lovely how it shows off your gorgeous legs."

I am putty in his hands, or a pile of goo now. Have we not even been in here 2 minutes yet? It feels like a month. Was he remembering every phrase all the guys said would be better whispered than screamed?

As he sat back from kissing me he wrapped his arms around me in a hug. Just then an alarm went off on his phone. The door opened and Kota reached his hand out to help me stand up. Mr. Blackbourne excused himself from the room.

Kota looked at me, "are you sure you are ok with this Sang?" I nodded my head yes and gave a small smile. He closed the distance between us and wrapped his arms around my waist.

He leaned his forehead against mine and walked forward, me walking backward, never allowing space between us. He reached back and closed the closet door. Then he ran his nose over mine and he kept on going until he got to my ear. He traced the edge of my ear with his lips, not kissing my ear, just tracing it. The sensations going through me were unbelievable.

In an effort to hold on and not collapse from my jelly legs, I reached up and wrapped my fingers behind his head. He made a low growl noise. That sound made my heart go double time and my breathing sped up.

I let my hands relax just a bit as I felt along his hair for his ears. I combed my finger through the hair around his ears and felt the edge of his ear with my fingertips. He has beautiful ears. And his hair is soft to the touch around his ears.

Kota's hold around my waist tightened as he pressed my back against the wall in the closet. He leaned his weight against me just slightly and it felt good, not at all threatening. "I want to kiss you right now, but I know I can't."

He leaned his head down to rest it on my shoulder. " are driving me into a frenzy the way you are touching me." He let out a soft moan.

That sound was enticing. I wanted to hear it again. I turned my head to the side and kissed his ear and his cheek. He drew in a sharp breath and began covering my cheeks and ears with kisses. His left hand wandered down my hip, down my thigh, to my knee. He reached behind my knee and pulled it up on his hip.

It was all so overwhelming, the feelings I was having at this moment. I am just realizing our time will be coming to an end shortly as he slowed his kisses and released my leg.

Again, his forehead was on mine as he started extracting his body from being flush with mine. We were both breathing quickly just staring at each other. I started giggling. What else do you expect from me?

Kota chuckled too. "I don't know if 2 minutes in the closet with you is a prize or torture? It is definitely not long enough." And his phone alarm went off. "Your game was fun Sweetie. Thanks for having us play." He said as the door opened.

"What? I don't get a show? I open the door and find the two of you talking and laughing. Have I taught you nothing?" Dr. Green teased. I giggled.

"Kota, now go! Sang is mine, and mine alone for the next 2 minutes!" Sean said playfully.

Dr. Green shut the door behind him, both hands on his hips. "Pookie! You have had two boys in here each for 2 minutes and you spend your time talking and laughing?"

I giggled at his teasing chastisement. "What was I supposed to do? There is a no kissing in the closet rule to follow." I don't need to tell him the others were kissing my cheeks and ears.

He playfully scooped my up, holding me bridal style and I placed my hand on his pecks. "I thought we had already got past that rule?" He said like a question.

"I guess we have." I teased back. What I wouldn't give for a repeat of this morning in his car. This morning his hand was on my butt feeling the edge of my lace panties. When I wear lace panties it is as if I am not wearing any at all. The material seems barely there. So, it had felt like only my skirt was between Sean's hand and my ass.

He gave me a sweet small peck on the lips. Barely backing his head away before giving me another sweet peck on the lips. My fingers started tracing over his pecks, feeling the skin of his nipples through his shirt. I found myself lingering on his nipple, gently stroking across them. His nipples hardened at my touch and he began kissing me with real determination.

He let my legs go but he was still holding my upper body up. Just hanging there was weird so I did what felt natural. I wrapped my legs around his waist. The next thing I know Sean's back is against the wall and I have managed to fuse my body to his. My arms tightly around his neck.

Sean started nibbling down my neck toward my collar. His fingers hooked into the collar of my shirt and pulled it to the side. My shoulder strap of my bra was showing and he kissed and nipped at my shoulder. His right hand held my back, for support, tightly against his body and his left hand moved to my thigh. He began inching his hand up my thigh. From the way I am wrapped around him, my skirt is not against my legs. Sean's hand stroked softly against the back of my leg all the way to my butt. He didn't squeeze or rub or do anything else I thought he would. He just placed his palm flat on my ass and left it there.

He was pulling away from the kiss. Leaving little pecks on my lips again. "2 minutes is too quick for me to make a thorough examination. I will leave that for another day." He removed his hand from under my skirt and lowered me off of him. "I hope the 2 minutes with me in the closet was not uncomfortable for you Pookie."

"No, it wasn't Sean." He smiled and leaned close to my ear while opening the door, "I love the way your ass fits perfectly into my hand. You truly are a goddess." His phone alarm went off and we walked hand in hand back to the living room where everyone else was.

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