Part 185 Serious Discussions

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You asked for the Gabriel scene. :)

Part 185 - Sunday December 15th

Sang's POV

"Did you have a good time Pookie?"

"This was one of the most fun nights of my life! Thank you Sean." We got in the car and Sean turned up the heat. I guess he must have known how cold I was. But that was not going to deter me from finding out about all the girls about my age wearing wedding dresses. "Are you going to tell me about the girls in the wedding dresses now?"

Sean laughed, started the car and got us heading back to his condo before he began explaining. "They were not in wedding dresses exactly. Back in the old days, maybe they were. But this is a chance for all the wealthy parents to display their 17 year old daughters to the eligible wealthy bachelors between 18 and 30. The girls are now considered of marriage age, and by the time they would be getting married, they would be done with high school."

My mouth was hanging wide open, "parents are parading their daughters to get them married? Before they even finish with High School?" I sounded a little hysterical to my own ears.

"Essentially, yes. They wear a white dress to signify they are not married. All the girls, from this year or even years past that are still single, attend the dance in white dresses. The men that are single wear a red rose bud on their lapel and from what I understand, they use to give the girl of their choice the rose bud to show their interest."

"Could the girl deny accepting the rose bud that was offered, you know, if they didn't like the guy?"

"That I do not know Pookie. But, Dr. Roberts' wife told me about the giving of the rose bud six years ago, so if you want to know the answer to that, I can ask her for you." He was being helpful and looked sincere.

"It's not really vitally important, I'm just curious. I just think that everyone should have a choice who they date or marry. I read a book about a Saudi Arabian Princess that had an arranged marriage, and at first, her husband was really sweet and loving, but then she got cancer after having only one son and her husband got mad because he wanted more sons and he changed." I shuddered remembering the horrors I read about her sister and her cousin going through in the book. "I just wouldn't want to have an arranged marriage and that's kind of what this whole debutant thing reminded me of."

"It is more a tradition for the wealthy now. Kind of like a Quinceanera for 15 year old girls in the Spanish culture. They wear pretty, big girl dresses. Go to a fancy ball and dance the night away. Everyone has choices these days. And, by the way Pookie, no one is forcing you into an arranged marriage." He gave me his flirty smile.

I know I wasn't being forced into anything. My father didn't even want me. But the guys gave me a choice to love them all. They didn't force me to choose just one. I went from having no one love me to having nine of the most caring and loving guys I have ever known, love me. I had a choice and I chose all nine! I was smiling like a love sick puppy. I sighed and melted back into the seat.

Sean unlaced our fingers as he tickled his fingertips up my arm to my elbow then back down to my open palm. He repeated this tickling path over and over again. It felt very soothing. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed his sweet touch.

"Sang," Sean's voice broke as he said my name, then he cleared his throat. "Did I mess up with you tonight?"

My eyes flew open, "what? How could you? I had a great time. Why would you think you messed up?"

"Well, when you asked about that Baby..." He left the you that hanging and he cringed away from me. "You know I am not pushing anything on you right?"

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