Part 186 Being In-Famous

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I know this one is about 1/2 the size of a normal update, but after a couple days I had to give you something. :). I hope you still enjoy.

Part 186 - Monday December 16th

Sang's POV

I rolled over and pain coursed through my head.  I cracked my eyes open to find I was lying on a camping cot, my hands were bound with those stretchy bands we used when we moved.  Those same bands that my moth-, Marie's mother used to bound me up in the shower.  I can't take the thought of her binding me and leaving me for dead again.

As I tried to sit up, the pain in my head exploded even more.  I realized, that not only were my hands bound together, but I was chained to the wall.  I took a quick inventory of my body...I have on a tank top and a pair of panties, I am not wearing any shoes, from what I can see of my body... I have bruises on my arms and legs.

The door opens, letting light in to alert me of my surroundings.  I am in an unfinished basement.  Cinder block walls, one tiny blacked out window up high on the wall, multiple cots in the room, a single light build hanging from the center of the room with a pull light switch, old rickety stairs that lead up to...

My body starts shaking without my permission.  At the top of the stairs McCoy is standing there holding a barely clothed girl, who had obviously been crying recently, by the hair at the base of her neck.  He made eye contact with me, let out a loud wail, then shoved the girl down the stairs.

Her body tumbled, bounced, arms and legs flailing as I heard every painful smack.  When her body made contact with the cement floor, the pop of a broken bone rung out through the room just before a blood curdling scream pierced my ears.

I sat up gasping for my breath, my hair sticking to me with the amount I had been sweating.  Hands were soothing over my arms and pushing my hair back from my face.  I made eye contact with Owen's icy steel blue eyes.  I didn't want to see the disappointment I knew he would see with my weakness, so I closed my eyes.

"Sang, breathe with me."  Sean commanded in his 'I'm a Doctor and I know best' voice.  "In through your nose, out through your mouth.  Again, in through your nose, out through your mouth.  Good."

"Miss Sorenson, look at me please."  Owen's voice sounded sad, almost hurt or pained in some way.  Before I opened my eyes, thumb pads were wiping under my eyelashes.  I realized one of them was clearing away my tears I didn't know had fallen.  

My eyes fluttered open to find Owen a mere two inches away from my face.  The thought went through my mind, did he need to be this close to see me without his glasses?  How bad was his vision?  Could he see my tears or did he just hear me crying and knew to wipe them away?  All silly and maybe inappropriate at this moment, but I just can't turn my brain off sometimes.

Due to my question bombardment, I snorted and then giggled.  Wiping my nose with the back of my left hand, Sean was smirking at me from just behind Owen.  I could feel Owen's hot breath on my face as he studied me intently.  "Do you have to be this close to see me without your glasses?"

Sean burst with laughter.  Owen's millimeter smile graced his lips.  "No, Miss Sorenson.  I do not need to be this close to see you.  But I like to be this close to you.  It makes kissing you so much easier."  He closed the distance, his firm yet soft lips pressed completely to mine.  He didn't push for more, but that didn't matter.  I melted at his chaste kiss just as much as if he had poured passion into a kiss.  When he pulled back from the kiss I gave him a shy smile.  "Now, would you please tell us about your nightmare?  Or would you rather ring North?"

I took a deep breath, asked to brush my teeth first, then I decided I would just tell them.  I didn't want North missing out on sleep, not after he had just gotten over being stabbed less than two weeks ago.  I went into details, explaining the horror's I saw.  My body shook as I spoke.  Tears flowed again.  Sean pulled me in tight to his body as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and waist.

"Pookie, I couldn't live with myself if something like that actually happened to you."  His voice turned menacing and cold, "I hope McCoy gets a taste of his own medicine in prison.  He deserves to be someone else's bitch for a while."

"Sean!"  Owen chided.

"What?  You know you were thinking it too.  Payback's a bitch and all that jazz."  Sean gave a dazzling smile as he wiggled his eyebrows at me.  Sean's hands, that were wrapped around my body, squeezed and wiggled under my armpit and on my ribs.  I squirmed, giggled, and tried to swat away his hands.  "POOKIE!  This is a serious matter!  Why are you laughing?"  His fingers tickled me again while his arms held me firmly in place.

I kicked out my legs as a non conscious reaction.  I made contact with Owen's stomach.  He let out a grunt and bent over taking deep breaths.  Sean's hands stilled before he whispered, "you took out the infamous Mr. Blackbourne with just one kick!"

I covered my mouth with one hand, shocked by my own actions.  Owen peeked up at us under his lashes, "infamous Sean?"

"Oh yes Owen.  When you are in-famous, you are MORE than famous.  You, my brother, are not just famous, you are in-famous."  I was giggling again at their playful banter.

"There you go with the giggles again."  Sean pressed his lips against mine in a chaste kiss that lasted for at least a minute.  His lips moved against mine but he never tried to gain access to deepen the kiss.  When he pulled back he declared, "time to go back to sleep.  It is mid terms week after all.  We can't have you failing out because you slept through an exam."

I snuggled in between the two of them again.  I was behind Sean, who pulled my hand around his waist and held my hand against his heart, so I could feel it beating.  Owen spooned me and matched my breathing so we felt more like one entity.  They might not be able to stave off all of my nightmares, but they know how to take care of me after I have them.

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