Part 175 When it Rains, it Pours

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Part 175 - Friday Dec. 13th

Victor's POV

Damn, I am glad that rehearsal is over.  Mr. B was there with me, trying to give me encouraging words when the program director just couldn't be satisfied.  It really is full on Friday the 13th.  "That piece was too slow.  You will put the audience to sleep."  The next comment, "why are you rushing?  It's not a barn dance!"

I looked to Mr. B and he nodded, agreeing I could lose it.  I actually pulled the solo artist Diva bit.  "I can't work with conditions like this!  I AM THE ARTIST!  If I want to play the piece twice as slow as it should be, that is up to me."  Mr. B had a half smile on his face.  I knew I was not even in need to ask forgiveness.  I stormed off to my dressing room and slammed the door.

Flopping down on the couch, draped my arm over my eyes and I took a deep breath and released it slowly.  Maybe I can be done, depends if Mr. B got it worked out for me or not.  I just want this sucky day to be over.

The door opened up and I didn't look expecting Mr. B.  "You little bastard piece of shit!  You will do as they want, do as I say.  I didn't have you trained as well as I have to watch you waste it all by pulling that fucking Diva shit!"  George ranted.

I jumped to standing, my arms out ready for a fight.  He was standing between me and my exit.  "GET OUT!"  I commanded as best I could.  From here I could smell the alcohol on him.  He is far worse to deal with when he has been drinking.  He is a sorry excuse for a father, more like a son of a bitch.

"You think you can tell ME what to do?  You're just a faggot sissy boy.  I would like to see you try to take me on.  Without your little fucker friends near you, you are nothing but a useless..."

"THAT'S ENOUGH!"  Mr. B slammed the door open, causing my father to flinch.  George might feel powerful against me, but up against Mr. B, it is obvious he is intimidated.  Mr. B moved to stand toe to toe with George and in his ice cold voice he said, "get out now.  Do not come back in here the rest of this concert series.  And if I hear that you so much as say one negative word to Victor at the house... I will be exposing some of your deepest and darkest secrets to the media."

George laughed without humor, he was trying to sound tough but even to me he didn't sound it.  "You think you actually have dirt on me?  You don't scare me.  This is my son and I will talk to him how I see fit as his legal guardian."

"I don't make idle threats Mr. Morgan, do not force my hand."  George turned and stormed out of the dressing room grumbling as he went.  Mr. Blackbourne turned to me, "When you are done here, I have already secured your completion of tonight's rehearsal activities."

He was letting me know I was free to go home.  God, I really just want to curl up with Princess right now and drown out all my stress with the feel of her in my arms.  But tonight she is out with Silas.  

I nodded at Mr. Blackbourne and collected my things, "thank you.  For taking care of the program director and for dealing with George.  He knows how to push my buttons when I'm already stressed."

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