Part 118

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Part 118

Sang's POV

After my meltdown at the diner, Uncle had Luke walk me back "home". He actually took me to Nathan's house. Owen came over, with him were Kota, Nathan, Sean and Victor. Luke kissed my cheek goodbye and hurried back to the diner.

They all came in and sat around me in the living room. Nathan and Kota either side of me. Owen on the coffee table in front of me. Sean and Victor in the side chairs. "Sang, why did you come into the dining room at the diner after we asked you to stay in the kitchen?" Owen asked calmly but with seriousness in his eyes.

"I heard male voices starting to yell and I knew they weren't you guys. My protective instinct kicked in and I stopped thinking, I just reacted." I told him honestly.

Owen removed his glasses, wiped his hand down his face, then replaced his glasses. "I don't think they really looked at you too closely." Owen stared to himself I think.

"She was screaming and crying. Did you see the panic in their faces? They just wanted the crying to stop!" Kota chuckled.

"She also covered her face with her hands as she cried. I don't know that they will think too much about Princess."

"What do you do when you see a girl cry? You try to make it stop. When Gabriel got up to console Peanut, they all visibly relaxed. We're good." Nathan reassured.

"Also, did you hear the desperation in their voices? I would say the Steven's team are strung out for Blaze's sisters." Sean was giddy.

"What do you mean Sean? Do they know his sisters?"

"No, they only have pictures. But it was the body language, and the inflection in their voices. I know what love at first sight feels like and I think Cupid's arrows are stuck in those guys." He was laughing.

"Tonight, Sang my love, we need to give assistance to the Steven's team. I don't want you anywhere near the rescue operation. Can you please stay here with Gabriel and Nathan?" Owen asked as he trailed his finger from my temple to my jaw.

"Gabriel already made me promise to stay away from the bad guys." I said with a smile.

"Can we stay here with you for dinner?" Sean questioned. I nodded my head but looked to Nathan. This was his house after all.

"I need to get home right after dinner. My mom and sister will be back in a few hours." Kota spoke up.

"What are we having to eat Princess?"

"I think we have everything for cowboy stew and it shouldn't take too long to make. Also, Kota, you can take some home to your mom and sister."

"That is generous of you Ten. My mom will be thrilled."

I went and busied myself in the kitchen. Nathan and Kota joined me in preparing the meal. "Do you guys really think Blaze and his sisters will be ok?"

"Yes Peanut! We have more information than local law enforcement would have gathered in the same short amount of time. They won't be expecting the Steven's team."

"Gabriel promised I could go see and talk to Blaze after this was over. Is that something that can really happen?"

"Yes. But we have school tomorrow. I don't want you worn out staying up too late." Kota worried.

"How about if I sleep after dinner. That is until you guys need to leave to help."

"We'll see Peanut. Let's just take it one step at a time, ok?"


After we ate dinner I yawned and stretched out on the couch. A full stomach and the last 3 days of an emotional roller coaster have left me tired. Sean had me lay my head in his lap as he ran his fingers through my hair. I was dozing off when I felt my feet placed in another lap.

By the feel of the hands rubbing my feet I deducted it must be Owen. I was too sleepy to open my eyes and see if I was right. I didn't nap well though. Images of faceless girls being yanked from their car kept flashing before my eyelids.

"Shhh Pookie! We're here. No more tears. You're safe." Sean was cooing at me.

As I managed to pry my eyes open, I noticed my eyes were sore. Like I had been crying for a long time. I sat up and looked at Sean. "Have I been crying for a while?" I know he will be honest with me.

"For the last 5 minutes. But you were so deep into your sleep I couldn't wake you up. Running my fingers through your hair calmed you a bit, but it never completely stopped the crying."

"What was your nightmare about Sang?" Owen asked from the other end of the couch, he placed a hand on my shoulder and gently squeezed in reassurance that I was safe.

"I think I was dreaming about Blaze's sisters. But they were faceless. I could feel their emotions even if I couldn't see them."

"How could you feel them exactly?" Nathan asked from across the room. I looked around to find Victor and Kota were gone.

"What time is it?" I asked

"10:20pm. We don't have long before we need to leave. We were just waiting for North, Silas, Luke and Gabriel to get here. It should be..." Sean was saying when the front door opened and all the guys walked in. Even Kota and Victor. They were right behind the others.

"It's time!" Victor stated.

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