Part 187 Study Session

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Part 187 - Tuesday December 17th

Sang's POV

Monday and Tuesday were exactly the same. In fact, if I hadn't spent the night at a different one of my boy's houses both nights I would have felt like I was living in the movie "Groundhog Day".

Each morning I was awoken the exact same phrase, "Time to get up (Pookie/Trouble). We have school today. Go get ready while (Owen/Nathan) makes breakfast. We don't have long so hurry that (tiny hiney/pretty little ass) up." Do they have a printout somewhere that says, "to wake Sang up, use this phrase..."

Once out of the bathroom, my clothes were always waiting for me on the bed (Gabriel approved of course). I would quickly dress, hurry to the kitchen where (Owen/Nathan) were making me breakfast. Then (Sean/Gabriel) handed me a frappaccino and pulled me out the door by my elbow, my backpack in their hands.

I would settle into the passenger seat, drink in one hand and breakfast in the other. Which caused (Owen/Kota) to reach over and buckle me in. They proceeded to ask the exact same morning questions, too. It was a bit eerie. "Do you have everything you need? Are you ready for school today?" Then proceeded with a compliment, "you look lovely this morning."

As I made it to school, we huddled out in the courtyard in the cool air just to have some privacy and peace from the whole school body that was crammed in the cafeteria. Meanie would do my hair, since I didn't have time in the morning. North would demand I eat my breakfast, not just hold it in my hand. When Meanie was done with my hair, Silas would pull me into his lap. Nathan and Luke would say something funny that had everyone laughing. Kota and Victor would stare at me with eyes of desire, that made me squirm in Silas' lap, which caused him to tighten his hold on my waist saying, "Aggele, hold still."

Each class was just plain boring. We got a study handout on Monday, to fill out. And we worked on them both days in each class. Dr. Green gave us the study guides but put a movie on for us to watch. And PE, we were free from having to dress down. Coach French let us intermingle with the boys as long as we could "keep the noise down".

Gabriel, Nathan and I sat in the corner away from the others. Karen was out both days. I didn't like that and wondered if she was really sick or if something else was going on. But the boys didn't seem too concerned so I figured they had some way of knowing that she really was sick.

After school Monday, I went to Nathan's house with all of the boys, including Mr. Blackbourne and Dr. Green. We all filled out our study guides, made dinner together, played Xbox and other board games/card games, then went to bed/home. After school Tuesday, I went to Kota's house. We had a study party for Kota, Gabriel, Luke and I, for our English exam. Ms. Johnson told us we would be answering fifty multiple choice question on the eight different novels they had us read. And we would have one essay to write about our favorite book from those eight.

Kota took control, "first of all, I think we each need to write about a different story. Otherwise she might say we cheated somehow. So, which story do each of you want to write about?"

We each picked our story then we turned to the study guide to quiz each other. Gabriel exclaimed, "Let's make this like a game."

Luke asked, "which game?"

Kota suggested, "I guess we could make it like Jeapoardy or Trivial Pursuit."

"Or strip poker." I slapped my hand over my mouth as I didn't mean to say that out loud. Luke and Gabe high fived, whooping their desire to play my game. Kota was quiet as he blushed furiously.

"Trouble, are you trying to cause trouble?" He laughed.

I tried to sound confident, "I thought you gave promises of next time, Meanie?" Reminding him of the morning I saw him naked. "But I wouldn't pressure anyone to do something they didn't want. Just forget I even said that. Jeapoardy sounds fun."

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