Part 197 Slip of the Tongue

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hicsumfabulalepus the first time you commented on my story I had a squealing fangirl moment. Then I continued to read each comment you gave me, giggling like a fan listening to a celebrity. Hehehe. See there I go again. :D. Thank you for giving me encouraging words and making me feel like I wrote something worth reading. *giggles and squeals*. I just talked to hicsumfabulalepus, for reals!!! By the way, her story "Immaculate" takes the cake for all stories Academy. And her other story, "You Wanna Know What I Think?" Has made me really like the Joker. Read it, you will not be disappointed!

Part 197 - Thursday December 19th

Sang's POV.

Victor walked me up to Silas' door but before he knocked he wrapped his arms around my waist and gave me a sweet kiss. "Thank you for studying with me. I especially enjoyed my ten minutes in Heaven with you afterword." His eyes blazed behind his long lashes.

I blushed and heated up again remembering how his mouth felt so warm on my nipples through my thin scrap of material known as my lace bra. "Mmmm, maybe we can do that again sometime." I suggestively tightened my hold on him, pressing my body even closer to his. Wait! Did that just come out of my mouth? Who am I?

Victor just laughed and knocked on Silas' door. He still held me close as we waited. Once we heard movement come close to the door he let me go. It was a good thing too because Charlie opened the door. "Victor! And little Sang. Hello pretty girl. Why are you out here and not inside with Silas?" He looked back behind him as if to confirm Silas was I fact inside the apartment.

"Um...I..." I stumbled for a reason.

Victor saved me, "she was studying with North and I for a test we have tomorrow. Is Silas here?"

Silas appeared behind his dad with his bag in hand and shoes already on. "I'm here. Ready to go Aggele?" I nodded at him and allowed Silas to scoop me up into one of his amazing hugs. He began walking down the stairs still holding me. I laughed at his playfulness. "Thanks for bringing her here Victor."

"No problem, see you two tomorrow." Victor got in his car and waved as he drove off, a smile on his face.

Once we were inside Silas' car, heading to Mr. Blackbourne's house, Silas laughed, "Aggele, which month has 28 days?"

Is this a joke or doesn't he remember? "February, why?" I answered with scrunched eyebrows.

He laughed, "nope, all of them! Okay, why did the boy take a calendar to the Prom?"

"Why?" I giggled in anticipation of a Silas joke this time.

"He forgot the date." I have a genuine laugh that time, it was funny.

"I have one for you Superman." He smiled waiting expectantly. "Knock, knock."

"Who's there?" The whites of his teeth shined in the dark. This was something that really makes him happy. I am going to have to go in search of new jokes just so I can keep him laughing.

"Who." I said.

"Who who?" His head tipped to the side.

"Since when did you become an owl?" I smiled at my stupid joke.

"Ever since I started hooting your name every damn night, Aggele." Was he being provocative? Is hooting my name some kind of an innuendo? He saw my confusion, "never mind Aggele. That was an epic fail on my part. It was a dumb comment in my attempt at wooing you." Huh! He was trying to be provocative. "Usually I am better with my words." He looked a little defeated.

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