Part 75

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Part 75

Silas' POV

It was almost time for Biology with Aggele. She wanted to stop by the bathroom and I feel like a total pervert. Here I am standing outside the girls bathroom like your everyday creepy stalker.

To my utter horror Jade's cheerleader cronies are walking my way. I try to be as nonchalant as possible because how am I supposed to hide or even blend in with all this Greek God size?

"Hi Siiii-lasssss" one of them says. The other approaches me and drags her finger across my chest. I try to nicely push her hand away and use that hand to do a little two fingers in the air man wave.

Just then Aggele came out of the bathroom. "Aggele, erthei na mou dosei mia ankalia." (Angel, come give me a hug.)

She tilted her head to the side in confusion and I realized I just said that in Greek, not in English. I went to her and hugged her tight. Now that we're not only dating at school but we are all dating her outside of school, I kissed her. I don't care what those bitches try to do, they need to know I am taken.

As we were entering class I noticed that Aggele looked a little pale. Or is it tired? "Aggele, do you feel alright?" I asked her.

"Yes, just a little tired."

"Maybe you can go sleep in the nurses lounge during P.E. So you won't be tired at work."

"Do you think Mr. B or Dr. Green would be upset at me for skipping class to sleep?"

Looking at her, I feel she really needs some sleep. I wonder why she is so tired? No one said anything about nightmares last night. And she was asleep before we left last night too. Mr. B said it had been an emotional day for her yesterday so maybe she was just emotionally drained.

I ran my hand over her back massaging her shoulders and the base of her skull. She leaned back and I combed through her hair with my fingers. I don't know if this feels good to her or not, since I have rhino fingers. Maybe if I had Gabe's or Victor's or Luke's or Kota's or Doc's or Mr. B's fingers I would know that what I was doing was relaxing.

"Aggele". I whisper to her. She looks at me. "When do you want me to give you your reward for winning?" She smiled.

"I'll think about it and let you know."

Damn! I was hoping for her to say after school. I want more kissing than that kiss we just shared in the hall.

Sang's POV

Thank the heaven's Dr. Green allowed us to "practice Japanese conversation" in class today. He said we would have a conversation test on Thursday and Friday. I was feeling all crampy and I just laid my head down on my desk and closed my eyes.

Victor seemed worried. "Princess. Are you sick?"

"No, just tired." I mumbled.

Dr. Green came over and crouched down in front of me. He put his hand on my forehead. "Miss Sang, do you feel ill?"

Keeping my eyes closed I just shook my head no.

"You feel a bit clammy. Can you wait until this class is over before going to the nurses office?"

I nodded.

Victor rubbed his hands across my upper back. Awww, thanks Victor. He is so sweet.

When class ended Dr. Green escorted me down to the nurses office. He is of course the Dr. On duty since the nurse is AWOL again. "Why don't you go lay down on that back bed." Sean told me.

I did as he said and fell asleep immediately. I woke up because the bell rang. I climbed off the bed and grabbed my things. Coming around the partition wall, I halted. Owen, Sean, Silas and Victor were all there just sitting in chairs looking my direction.

"Feeling better?" Sean asked me.

"Um, yes, thank you."

"Miss Sorenson, Silas and Victor will walk you out to meet up with the others now."

"Thank you."

Why were they all acting so weird? I felt cramps and tired, so I slept. Don't other people sleep when they are tired and feeling gross?

Silas wrapped his arm around my shoulder and Victor held my hand as we walked to the cars. When we got there, all the others were there waiting for us.

"Oy, what the fuck happened to you in gym?" Gabe exclaimed.

"What happened? Why does Sang Baby look ready to pass out?"

"Leave Princess alone. She was just with Doc and he said she is just tired."

"Tired my ass! You don't look all pasty white when you are tired!" Meanie was just being mean now. I glared at him for it.

"You better watch out Gabe, before you get in trouuuu-blllllle." Luke sing songed. I was giggling at the way he said that.

"See Aggele is fine. Just tired. And anyone who says otherwise can deal with me." Awww Silas, my Superman is here to rescue me. Tears formed in my eyes.

"Oh shit! You made her cry again!" Nathan shouted while pointing at me.

"Ok, that is enough from all of you." Kota commanded and came to hug me. "Will you be alright at work or do you want Luke or North to tell Uncle you didn't feel well enough to work today?" He asked me quietly.

"I'll be alright."

"Luke, North, you have Sang. Victor, can you take Gabe? Nathan and Silas are with me." Victor nodded and we all went to our respective cars.

Luke pulled me into the back with him and while motioning to North said, "to the diner, Driver." North growled at him and I giggled.

Once we were at the diner, Luke found a chair and brought it to the front register for me. "In case you get tired."

"I think I'll be fine Luke."

"There she is! My favorite little bird!" I turned to see Uncle coming out of the kitchen.

"Hi Uncle." I said with a smile.

He narrowed his eyes looking at me. "Is everything ok?"

"Yes, I'm fine."

"Ok then. Let's get to work." He went back into the kitchen.

It wasn't a very busy afternoon so I sat in the chair and relaxed a bit. Uncle came out of the kitchen just before the normal dinner rush. "Come with me Little Bird." I followed him into the kitchen and he took me to the metal prep tables. "I need you to try this for me, for dinner tonight."

It was a decadent looking chocolate cake with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top. Drizzled hot fudge sauce over the ice cream and tiny shavings of chocolate candy bar. My eyes grew wide and my mouth watered.

He handed me a spoon and when I scooped into the cake, warm melting chocolate wonderfulness poured out. Molten chocolate cake! I took a bite and melted with the cake. "This is divine Uncle." And I scooped more cake into my mouth.

"You can't feed her that crap! It's not healthy!" North exploded at Uncle.

"I can too feed her this cake! She is a grown Young Woman and can make decisions for herself. If she chooses to eat the cake I made for her, she is allowed to eat it without you yelling at her! Do I need to remind you who is the grown-up here?"

Uncle looked back at me as I continued to devour his cake. "There, that's all you needed. These young boys think they know everything. Sometimes all you need is a little chocolate." He smiled and winked at me.

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